Beobachten: Pokémon-Geschenke 2022 – Leben!
Happy Pokémon Day! It’s Sunday! And here we are…
Ja, The Pokémon Company has decided to do its annual Pokémon Day showcase at the weekend, because no day of rest can stop this franchise. It’s set to be 14 Minuten lang, a little shorter than the equivalent for last year’s 25th Anniversary, but we still anticipate some fun moments and reveals.
Will it be Pokémon-Legenden: Arceus DLC? Pokemon HOME for Legends and Brillanter Diamant / Glänzende Perle? Retro releases on Switch? Mobile games?
We’ll see soon, it all starts at 14:00 UTC / 09:00 EST / 06:00 PST / 15:00 MESZ / 23:00 JST, so get yourselves comfy, join in with the community live chat, and enjoy!