Watch the Resident Evil Showcase stream January 21

Watch the Resident Evil Showcase stream January 21

Hey there PlayStation Nation! Hope you’re all doing well and staying safe during these winter months. We know you’ve all been patiently waiting for more news on Resident Evil Village, and that chill going down your back isn’t from the cold outside – rather, it’s from the spine-tingling terrors that await you in the Resident Evil Showcase making its debut on Thursday, Januar 21 um 14:00 Uhr PT / 10Uhr GMT / 11Uhr MEZ.

We won’t spoil all the fun announcements that await, but you’ll definitely want to be there live as it happens. Join our host Brittney Brombacher as we showcase new information on Resident Evil Village, including an extended trailer that unveils a bit more of the world and mysterious new characters, as well as a first look at gameplay! We’ll also have Producer Peter Fabiano there to help guide you through the world of Resident Evil Village and the horrors that await you. If you need to leave the lights on and hide under a blanket, we won’t judge you.

Watch the Resident Evil Showcase stream January 21

We’ve got a few more surprises in store, but you’ll simply have to wait and see what those are. Be sure to make yourself a hot drink, wrap yourself in a cozy blanket, and tune in on Thursday, Januar 21 um 14:00 Uhr PT / 10Uhr GMT / 11pm CET to catch all the latest live on the PlayStation Twitch und YouTube channels!

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