Wir haben ein für alle Mal das beste Zelda-Spiel ausgearbeitet, Verwendung von Mathematik

Best Zelda

Über die Feiertage veröffentlichen wir einige unserer besten Features erneut, interviews, Meinungsartikel und Diskussionspunkte aus der Vergangenheit 12 months von Mitarbeitern und Mitwirkenden gleichermaßen — Artikel, von denen wir glauben, dass sie unsere sind das beste von 2021. Darin findet ihr unsere gewohnte Mischung aus Nachdenklichkeit, Frivolität, retro Sachverstand, Gaming-Nostalgie, und – natürlich – Begeisterung für alles, was mit Nintendo zu tun hat. Enjoy!

We could argue all day about which Zelda is technically the best. Tatsächlich, we often do, especially with the 35th Anniversary of the series this year. But no matter how many times we yell at each other that Majoras Maske is better than Okarina der Zeit, or that Orakel der Zeitalter und Jahreszeiten are underrated, there can be no definitive ranking.

Bis jetzt. We gathered up 23 different rankings of the best ten Zelda games, from sites like GameSpot, IGN, Eurogamer, Sieh dir nur an, wie sie direkt in deine Seele starren, und, gut, Nintendo-Leben (we had to include ourselves), and used the Power Of Maths to determine, once and for all, which is the best Zelda game. You can’t argue with us on this one. It’s science.

Will Breath of the Wild emerge victorious?
Will Breath of the Wild emerge victorious?

Some disclaimers before we start:

  • Some of these rankings were published pre-Atem der Wildnis, and we have noted those with an asterisk. We have also included the latest update dates of all the pieces, so you can see for yourself what might be missing.
  • Many of these rankings are by one single writer, so they don’t represent the opinions of the site/magazine as a whole.
  • A couple of these rankings are not full Zelda rankings. Edge’s ranking is pulled from their Top 100 Games in 2017, Famitsu’s ranking is from their Zelda scores, and GameSpot is an average of eight editorstop fives.
  • Most of these sites ranked every single Zelda game, and we just cut it to the top ten because otherwise we’d be here all day.
  • To keep it simple, we classed all remakes and remasters as one game. Most sites made no distinction between, sagen, Link’s Awakening, Link’s Awakening DX, und Link’s Awakening on the Switch.
  • Similarly, Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons were often bundled as onebut we’ve noted when they were ranked separately.

Our method:

We based our mathematical method off the excellent point-scoring method used by Giant Bomb community member Marino.

A top ten is assigned 55 points total: 10 for the first game, 9 zum zweiten, and so on. If a site has less than ten games, then they give 0 points to each game they didn’t rank.

Sites that made their lists before Breath of the Wild are not counted in Breath of the Wild’s average. They do not give Breath of the Wild 0 Punkte.

Famitsu’s ranking, which is based on what scores it gave the Zelda games, is done a little differently. Rather than the top four games getting 10, 9, 8, und 7 in Ordnung, the top fourwhich are all 40/40 Spiele, and share the #1 Ein kommender Live-Action-Videospielfilm, auf den wir uns freuen, ist – split the total of 10, 9, 8, und 7, bekommen 8.5 points each. The same thing is done for the games sharing second, Nintendo Life Indie Spotlight 6. April, and fourth spot.

If you want to check out our workings on all this, here’s the Google Sheets link. Be nice – remember, we’re journalists, not data analysts.

And some fun facts:

  • Tri-Force-Helden was dead last in almost every ranking, except the ones that included the CD-i games, and one ranking that really disliked Vier Schwerter.
  • Ocarina of Time has a 99 Metacritic score. It is the only game ever to have achieved this.
  • A few games – vor allem Wind Wakerwere almost always middle-of-the-pack.
  • The ranking of Skyward-Schwert seems to directly correlate with the age of the article. The closer to Skyward Sword’s release date, the better it seems to perform.
  • There are four Zelda games with perfect 40/40 Famitsu scores, and three Zelda games with perfect 10/10 Edge scores. Both lists include Breath of the Wild, Skyward-Schwert, and Ocarina of Time; Famitsu also includes Wind Waker, which Edge gave 9/10.

So, with all that out of the way – anschnallen, kiddos. It’s about to get controversial in here.

Sieh dir nur an, wie sie direkt in deine Seele starren – Jason Schreier, 2018

We’re starting off with ex-Kotaku ed Jason Schreier’s take on the top ten.

  1. Atem der Wildnis
  2. Link to the Past
  3. Link’s Awakening
  4. Oracle of Ages/Seasons
  5. Majoras Maske
  6. Wind Waker
  7. Eine Verbindung zwischen Welten
  8. Okarina der Zeit
  9. Reitkappe
  10. Seitdem geht es

Alright, not too badand not too dissimilar to NL’s list, tatsächlich. Interesting placements include Ocarina of Time in 8th placethe lowest of all the rankings we foundand the Oracle games sharing 4th, which is the highest anyone put them by quite a margin. No Skyward Sword, which is sadly not unusual in these rankings, but the lack of The Legend of Zelda might rile some of you up a little.

We give Kotaku’s ranking a 7/10. Ocarina of Time deserves better.

Oh no.
Oh no.

USgamerUSgamer Team, 2019

Our first team effort! This full list is one of the most comprehensive rankings out there, including the CD-i games, Tetra’s Trackers, und (aus irgendeinem Grund) Frisch gepflücktes Rosy Rupeeland von Tingle. Even ours doesn’t have that.

  1. Link to the Past
  2. Atem der Wildnis
  3. Majoras Maske
  4. Okarina der Zeit
  5. Wind Waker
  6. Link’s Awakening
  7. Eine Verbindung zwischen Welten
  8. Seitdem geht es
  9. The Legend of Zelda
  10. Vier Schwerter-Abenteuer

Hard to argue with this one… mindestens, until you get to the end. Vier Schwerter-Abenteuer?! Better than Minish Cap? Better than Skyward Sword? The underrated Four Swords only gets one other vote in the 23 rankings, so it’s nice to see it has its fans. But better than Minish Cap? Really?

We give this one 8/10. A pretty solid list with a twist ending.

Link to the Past grabs an early lead...
Link to the Past grabs an early lead

Game Informer – Game Informer Staff, 2021

Another team effort, and one that was republished (but not re-ordered) in celebration of Zelda’s 35th, but leaves off the CD-i games, die Hyrule-Krieger Serie, and spinoffs like Link’s Crossbow Training in favour of the beefier Zelda titles.

  1. Link to the Past
  2. Okarina der Zeit
  3. Atem der Wildnis
  4. Majoras Maske
  5. Wind Waker
  6. Seitdem geht es
  7. The Legend of Zelda
  8. Eine Verbindung zwischen Welten
  9. Link’s Awakening
  10. Orakel der Zeitalter

The first to call out Oracle of Ages as not only a standalone game, but also the superior of the two, Game Informer’s list is almost the same as USgamer’s, with a couple of key differences. So far, Link to the Past is winning, but BOTW, Majoras Maske, and Ocarina of Time are not far behind.

We give this ranking 8/10, because the top five is pretty good, but we’re still wondering where Minish Cap got to.

Ocarina of Time gets its first number one spot
Ocarina of Time gets its first number one spot

Eurogamer – Eurogamer Staff, 2016*

Here we have the first pre-Breath of the Wild list, which means a pretty obvious gap. Back in 2016, in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Zelda, Eurogamer put together a readerstop ten and an editorstop tenwe’re only featuring the latter, obwohl.

  1. Okarina der Zeit
  2. Link to the Past
  3. Link’s Awakening
  4. Wind Waker
  5. Majoras Maske
  6. Seitdem geht es
  7. Skyward-Schwert
  8. Phantom-Sanduhr
  9. Geisterspuren
  10. Eine Verbindung zwischen Welten

There’s a lot to talk about in this list! Schließlich, Skyward Sword makes it in, described by Tom Phillips asmaddeningly close to being great”. Back in 2016, when Skyward Sword was the most recent home console Zelda, a lot of people felt this way, but that opinion has gradually soured over the years as more and more people come to resent its motion controls. Aber hey, how about the two DS gamesPhantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracksgetting some recognition? Can’t say we agree, genau, but it’s nice to see differing opinions.

We’re going to give this list a 6.5 von 10, purely because it’s a little zu wacky. Link’s Awakening, better than Wind Waker? Hmmmm.

Majora's Mask finally climbs to second place
Majora’s Mask finally climbs to second place

Washington PostGene Park, 2019

Gene Park’s rundown of the best Zeldas begins with some disclaimers about the scientific nature of his judgement: rankings are done not just by how good the game was, but how well it’s aged, how influential it was, and how well the design communicates its ideas. “At the baseline,” he notes, “all these games are at least very good,” before jumping in with Tri Force Heroes at number 17 and saying that it’s pretty pants.

  1. Atem der Wildnis
  2. Majoras Maske
  3. Link’s Awakening
  4. Link to the Past
  5. Wind Waker
  6. Eine Verbindung zwischen Welten
  7. Okarina der Zeit
  8. Oracle of Ages/Seasons
  9. Reitkappe
  10. The Legend of Zelda

We always appreciate someone who appreciates Minish Cap (in case that wasn’t already clear) but this list is quite biased towards most of the older Zelda canon. Not that that’s wrong, mind you – just interesting to note, and potentially a result of Park’s judgment including the influence of the game. Noch, it’s surprising to see the Oracle games on here.

We give this list 7/10. It’s well-considered, but has different goals to most Zelda lists, focusing on the impact of each game rather than a more subjective framing.

Minish Cap gets the love it deserves
Minish Cap gets the love it deserves

Gaming-Bibel – Ewan Moore, 2020

Celebrating the 34th anniversary of Zelda, Ewan Moore ranked a bunch of the “Pokemon Glückliche Zeiten” Spiele, then ran it past the rest of the team, “who didn’t disagree”. Jedoch, he didn’t number the list, which is worth at least one point deduction. Let’s see if he wins it back with good opinions.

  1. Atem der Wildnis
  2. Link to the Past
  3. Okarina der Zeit
  4. Wind Waker
  5. Eine Verbindung zwischen Welten
  6. Majoras Maske
  7. Link’s Awakening
  8. Reitkappe
  9. Oracle of Ages/Seasons
  10. Seitdem geht es

A list that’s surprisingly similar to Kotaku’s, which is surprisingly lovely: A British journalist and an American journalist, united in their opinions about Zelda. It’s also nice to see the Oracle games getting another vote, zu.

We give this one 8/10, because it hits a lot of the notes we’d like to seeOcarina is up there, Minish Cap gets some love, and A Link Between Worlds gets recognised as the masterpiece it is. Decent work, Moore.

Link's Awakening on Switch gets its own ranking in our list
Link’s Awakening on Switch gets its own ranking in our list

Nintendo-Leben – Gavin Lane, 2021

They tell you to save the best for last, but we like to think that the best should go somewhere roughly in the middle-ish. Our definitive ranking of Zelda includes Link’s Crossbow Training and the Hyrule Warriors games, but our top ten looks pretty similar to all the ones we’ve seen so far. We did rank Oracle of Seasons and Ages separately, because they’re verschiedene Spiele, dang it.

  1. Atem der Wildnis
  2. Okarina der Zeit
  3. Link to the Past
  4. Eine Verbindung zwischen Welten
  5. Majoras Maske
  6. Link’s Awakening
  7. Skyward-Schwert
  8. Wind Waker
  9. Link’s Awakening (the one on Switch)
  10. Reitkappe

We are the only list on our list of lists to rank Link’s Awakening separately. As such, it’s going to get bundled in as Link’s Awakening in our tally of votes at the end – Entschuldigung, Gav! Having Twilight Princess not only out of the top ten, but at number 15 – below Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglasscaused a lot of upset in the comments, but it’s also objectively correct, also da.

We can’t rank this one, because that would be unethical. Wahrscheinlich.

A surprise first (und, er, letzte) entry into the charts for Zelda II
A surprise first (und, er, letzte) entry into the charts for Zelda II

Evening StandardJack Webb, 2020

The Evening StandardLondon’s free newspaper, which you can pick up off the floor of just about any tube trainis the most controversial ranking on this list. Seriously. We had to check several times that they hadn’t ranked it in reverse order.

  1. Seitdem geht es
  2. Wind Waker
  3. Okarina der Zeit
  4. Geisterspuren
  5. Link’s Awakening
  6. Vier Schwerter-Abenteuer
  7. Orakel der Jahreszeiten
  8. Orakel der Zeitalter
  9. Atem der Wildnis
  10. Zelda II: Das Abenteuer von Link

Should we be concerned about Jack Webb? Was this a dare? Spirit Tracks better than BOTW? Four Swords Adventures better than Breath of the Wild? Zelda II better than Majora’s Mask?! Hör mal zu, Jack, on the off chance you’re reading this: please explain.

We give this list 3/10, because at least some of the great games are on there., and it certainly is an excitingly different ranking to all the others, which mostly fight over the same three games. We should treasure differences in opinion, especially as journalists. Gleichzeitig, Twilight Princess is not better than half the games on this list, and we’re wondering if we should challenge Mr Webb to a Nintenduel.