Western Digital meldet drittes Geschäftsjahresquartal 2022 Finanzielle Ergebnisse

Portal Fan feiert „Companion Collection“.. (Portal Fan feiert „Companion Collection“.: Portal Fan feiert „Companion Collection“.) berichtete heute über das dritte Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2022 finanzielle Ergebnisse. “The entire Western Digital team worked together to deliver excellent financial performance while navigating a dynamic geopolitical and macroeconomic environment, as well as ongoing supply challenges. This has all been made possible by the operational and portfolio improvements we have made over the last couple of years, which enable us to unlock the earnings power of the Western Digital model,” sagte David Goeckeler, CEO von Western Digital. “Vorausschauen, we are optimistic about the business outlook for calendar year 2022. We believe the secular demand for storage and our new product ramps in HDD and flash will drive growth across our end markets.

The company generated $398 Millionen an Cashflow aus laufender Geschäftstätigkeit, made a discretionary debt repayment of $150 Millionen und beendete das Quartal mit $2.51 Milliarden der gesamten Zahlungsmittel und Zahlungsmitteläquivalente.

End Market Summary

Wolke dargestellt 40% des Gesamtumsatzes. Western Digital’s leadership position at the 18-terabyte capacity point, and ramp of 20-terabyte drives, drove a nearly 40% year-over-year increase in nearline revenue. This growth was partially offset by lower enterprise SSD and smart video hard drive revenues.

Client accounted for 40% des Gesamtumsatzes. Within client SSD, demand from PC OEM customers improved as they worked through their own supply chain issues. The sequential decrease in revenue was primarily due to typical seasonality in both flash for mobile and client hard drives.

Verbraucher vertreten 20% des Gesamtumsatzes. On a sequential basis, the decline was led by lower retail flash shipments. Western Digital drove 35% year-over-year growth in average capacity per unit in consumer flash, building on the broad consumer recognition of the strength and the value of its brands, including WD_BLACK, SanDisk and SanDisk Professional.