What Are You Playing This Weekend? (14th September)
I’ve finally collected all the memories (tears, geoglyphs) in Tears of the Kingdom. And now I’m in the desert getting ready to beat the game for only the 2nd time. It’s amazing that the game is 1.5 years old and there’s still so much I haven’t done in it!
I’m also pretty amazed at how good Zelda: Dungeons of Infinity is. An amazing fan/programmer from Manitoba created this awesome roguelike from Link to the Past art over the past 4 years. It is very much worth playing!
The other awesome new game for me is What the Car? It’s super fun and creative like their previous What the Golf? I’m also playing Kingdom Eighties, Cobalt Core, Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 6 (beautiful 60fps N64 game on Steam Deck), Taiji (awesome, smooth playing puzzle game like a 2D The Witness), Mario Kart 64 Remade (this is now my second favorite racing game after Wipeout Phantom Edition. It is so fun, fast, and smooth to control — better than Mario Kart Wii, which I also just played to compare), Wipeout Phantom Edition (absolutely love seeing it running at 240fps!), Rocket League (this is also awesome at 240fps, I don’t really like the way it looks at 90fps on OLED Deck), Dr Mario Online DX, Gran Turismo 3, and Ship of Harkinian.
Tea of the weekend is Wuyi Yan Cha, so delicious! And a Youtuber came into my work, which lead me to watch his stuff, which lead me to restarting watercolors (he does nature journaling), so that’s fun!
I’ve been happy to see Wulff Den supporting Retro Game Corps, and Waikuteru supporting other Youtubers attacked by Nintendo. I also learned about YouTube itself attacking Youtubers this week. Hopefully we can create a new video sharing format that is more along the lines of Linux, or Wikipedia, or something that supports the common good.
Take care and have fun!