Was spielst du dieses Wochenende? (23. April)
Puh! It’s been a heck of a week, hat es nicht? It actually feels like springtime now at least, but our eyes are poised towards the summer with the slate of new release dates we’ve been handed. Xenoblade-Chroniken 3 ist gewesen brought forward from September to July! Unprecedented stuff. splatoon 3 also finally has a release date — a very neat 9th September. Oh, und Das Original Sonic the Hedgehog und seine zweieinhalb Fortsetzungen is also locked in for 23Juni, but not without some controversy over those pre-orders. Und, even though it’s been rumoured for ages, we’ve got more concrete proof that Game Boy and GBA games will be coming to Nintendo Switch Online irgendwann, probably.
Jetzt heißt es chillen u besprechen Sie unsere Spielpläne für das Wochenende. Ein paar MMitglieder des Nintendo Life-Teams haben unten genau das getan, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!
Thomas Whitehead, stellvertretender Chefredakteur
I’m wrapping up a review for Bilder pro Sekunde auf PCs und native 1440p oder 1600p bei: Bilder pro Sekunde auf PCs und native 1440p oder 1600p bei Die Mutter von allem, but my early thoughts are that it’s a lovely and clever puzzle game. When not working on finishing that I’ll continue my journey through Dreiecksstrategie, which is great for downtime and getting the old chess brain working a little.
Anderswo I just started Shadow of the Tomb Raider, wrapping up a steady run through the prequel trilogy. It’s really good so far, just enjoyable Indiana Jones-style popcorn gaming. It also has more focus on puzzles and tombs than combat, which is fine by me!
Ollie Reynolds, angestellter Autor
Hallo Leute! Dieses Wochenende, the family and I are having a wee break in Wales. Does that mean there won’t be any gaming? Hahaha, of course not; I’ll be taking my Switch with me. I’ve recently been playing Die sinkende Stadt on the PS5 and I’ve been enjoying it so much, I decided to start it on Switch too! The tone and narrative are right up my street, so I’m looking forward to sinking (Ha) my teeth into it.
Alana Haag, angestellter Autor
My gaming this weekend will be entirely influenced by this week’s news. The whole Sonic Origins thing has got me all fired up to replay some classic Sonic. Das Original Sonic the Hedgehog und seine zweieinhalb Fortsetzungen is of course on the table — it’s the best one, nachdem alle. My release-day GameCube is plugged in too, so I’m going to dig out Sonic Mega-Sammlung so I can play through those classics without the pre-order discussion baggage.
I’ve also had an ongoing playthrough of Xenoblade-Chroniken: Definitive Edition burning since… it came out. So I should probably go back to it. Mach dir keine Sorgen, I have played through Xenoblade-Chroniken before — 100%ing it, even — but I left my Switch playthrough in limbo at Eryth Sea. Am I telling myself not to do every sidequest? Ja. Am I listening? Ask again in a week.
Online wechseln, angestellter Autor
This week while I’ve been sick I’ve been playing A LOT of Töte den Turm. I still haven’t Slayed the Spire, obwohl, so wish me luck for my next Ironclad run please!
Auch, more Elden Ring. We still have no idea what’s going on. People keep talking about fingers, which is super weird, and everyone has really similar names like Godrick and Godwin and Godtopher which is making the story super hard to follow!
Austin Voigt, Mitwirkender
This weekend will be another dig into the ol’ backlog! I have a bad habit of playing roughly halfway through a game, then dropping it when something new and shiny comes out… Planning to pull out Luigis Herrenhaus 3, Ein Blick auf das PS4-Gameplay von Horizon Forbidden West – PlayStation.Blog: Der Origami-König, Neuer Pokémon-Snap, und DOOM und DOOM II haben gerade ein weiteres kostenloses Add-On erhalten. Jedoch, still also plugging away at Kirby und das vergessene Land, Pokémon-Legenden: Arceus, and Triangle Strategy. Wie immer, plenty to play!
PJ O’Reilly, angestellter Autor
Hallo. This weekend I’m gonna be polishing off some outstanding bits and pieces in the excellent Switch port of Zombie-Armee 4: Toter Krieg. I’ve really enjoyed blasting through this one all over again on Switch and have just got a few stickers left to gather up in order to complete my album and 100% alle Sammlerstücke.
Anderswo, I’ve taken the advice of trusted friends and picked up both Das Haus in Fata Morgana und Shadowverse: Champions Battle, so I’ve certainly got plenty to keep me busy over the next few days. Have a great weekend whatever you’re doing or playing!
Goncalo Lopes, reviewer
Still very much messing around with the KINGDOM HEARTS IV befindet sich in der Entwicklung, with a vicious ongoing Geschwindigkeitsball 2: Brutal Deluxe Liga, still scrubbing at the bottom of Division 2 but with a choice of trade-in star players added to the roster things are looking up. Late game Kirby and the Forgotten Land along with physical arrivals of Asche der Singularität und Starrer Kraft-Redux ensure entertainment over this weekend.
Game of the week Arcade Archives Gaplus (aka Galaga 3 in the US). I used to be so much better at it… my gamer pride is offended with my poor efforts since this week’s re-release, so time to get back to it this weekend.
Wie immer, danke fürs Lesen! Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie uns unten einen Kommentar mit Ihren Spielplänen für das Wochenende hinterlassen!