Was spielst du dieses Wochenende? (13. August)

Kult des Lammes
Bild: Massives Ungeheuer

The heat’s back, and we’re desperately trying to stay indoors here at Nintendo Life. We’ve got a round-up of everything that was shown off in der Splatoon 3 Nintendo Direct! Auch, were feeling a bit peckish after Kirby’s Dream Buffet got a release date. And there’s a beautiful hand-drawn Metroidvania featuring cats coming to Switch later this month!

Apropos splatoon 3, some of us on the team were a bit worried about the upcoming sequel, but this Direct may have alleviated our worries. Wir spoke to the team behind indie hit Cult of the Lamb and poked fun at the ‘evil Animal Crossingcomparisons. Und, apparently, liking Krookodile makes this writer a big crocodile fan (not denying it) — but what does your favourite Pokémon say about you?

Jetzt heißt es chillen u besprechen Sie unsere Spielpläne für das Wochenende. Ein paar MMitglieder des Nintendo Life-Teams haben unten genau das getan, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!

Online wechseln, angestellter Autor

This weekend I am legitimately stoked to jump into Kult des Lammes. I bought a bunch of visual novels in the recent eShop sale — 13 Wächter, und Danganronpa 1 und 2, und I still have to finish AI: Die Traumdateien — but those are on hold after I saw the reviews for Cult of the Lamb. I mean, I was already excited about it. And then I did an interview with the art director, and I just got more excited. I love cute stuff and I love murdering people to appease my chthonic patron deity.

Oh, und Portal 2. ich beendete Portal 1 for Backlog Club already!

Ollie Reynolds, angestellter Autor

Okay, so I’m about 10 hours into Xenoblade-Chroniken 3 and I’ve just finished Chapter 2. Holy cow, Was für ein Spiel! The cutscenes and battles at the end of Chapter 2 could have easily passed for the finale of any other game; it was unbelievably Epos. To say it has its claws in me is an understatement and I can certainly see Xenoblade Chronicles 3 gobbling up my life for weeks at this point, possibly even months.

That’s really it for gaming this weekend. The other thing I’ll be doing is diving into The Complete Witcher series on my Kindle because I recently managed to buy it from Amazon for a grand total of 99p. It’s good so far! Zugegeben, I’m still only on the first book of short stories, so I’m not, wie, properly into the narrative yet, but it’ll take some time.

Jim Norman, angestellter Autor

I am spending my weekend going to look at new flats for me to move into, so Auszug feels like a safe bit of morning play while I get ready for the day — much like you see a professional athlete getting some shots in early to warm up, I will be shouting at my co-op to just pass me the freaking box! („Ich möchte, dass Alice ein Thema in dieser Geschichte ist.“: It’s a shame you’re not playing Jim Is Moving Out!)

It would also be nice to take a break from the world of moving for a while though, which is why I am excited to dive-a-dive back into Lebe ein Leben. Despite loving all that I have played so far, I feel that I still haven’t given it the time it deserves and what better way to take a break from housing stress than with Yoko Shimomura’s lush soundtrack?

Alana Haag, angestellter Autor

This week it’s — you guessed it — more Xenoblade Chronicles 3. In the space of a week, I’ve progressed one whole chapter. Just one. I’m in chapter 5 now and I’m still riding a high with this game. I’ve been trying to level more classes, recruit all of the Heroes, and explore every inch of every map, but the new area I’ve just reached is huge. I think it’ll be a few hours more until I reach the end of the chapter, let alone the end of the game! As Eunie would say, it’s sparkin’ good!

That’s pretty much all that’s keeping me out of the heat this weekend — stay cool and safe, Leute! Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of ice cream.

Wie immer, danke fürs Lesen! Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie uns unten einen Kommentar mit Ihren Spielplänen für das Wochenende hinterlassen!