Was spielst du dieses Wochenende? (12. März)


F-Zero X
Bild: Nintendo

The dust has settled a bit this week at Nintendo Life, but we’ve still had plenty of bits and bobs to talk about! The big releases this week include the delightful Chocobo GP, which we rather enjoyed, and the N64 classic F-Zero X über Nintendo Switch Online, which is also verdammt gut. In other news, we received a lovely surprise when Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Die Cowabunga-Sammlung was announced for later this year, and LEGO have announced an expansion for the Super Mario sets with the Adventures With Peach Starter Pack.

Jetzt heißt es chillen u besprechen Sie unsere Spielpläne für das Wochenende. Ein paar MMitglieder des Nintendo Life-Teams haben unten genau das getan, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!

Ollie Reynolds, angestellter Autor

Hallo Leute! So this weekend, I will of course be playing some F-Zero X. I have a slight confession to make, jedoch… Ive never played it before. I skipped right over the N64 game and played F-Zero GX to death on the GameCube, but this will be my first time with its predecessor! I hope y’all can forgive me.

Anderswo, I’ve jumped back onto the Resident Evil train yet again with the REmake, a.k.a my Favourite Game Of All Time. I’ll probably blast through it this weekend and move onto Resident Evil Zero, aber wir werden sehen. I might end up just going right back to the start and do a playthrough with both Chris Boulder and Jill Sandwich.

Alana Haag, angestellter Autor

Not much new on my end this weekend! I didn’t make a lot of time to play Die Tür des Todes, but I am close to the first Giant Soul. I’m not Großartig at the game yet, and that lack of skill is perhaps influencing my desire to procrastinate, but I’m enjoying it a lot! I’m a big fan of the writing in particular, which juxtaposes the morose with a dry but warm flavour of humour. I also adore the way your little crow twitches his head when you stand idle for a few seconds. So, yeah, I’m really liking this one, and it turns out we were right!

I’m sorry it’s not F-Zero X or Dreiecksstrategie. I’m sure the NL team is wondering what I’m actually doing here.

PJ O’Reilly, angestellter Autor

Hallo. Dieses Wochenende, like everyone else around the world who owns a Switch and has any common sense whatsoever, I will be playing F-Zero X and F-Zero X only. OK, so I may make a little time to blast through some Cuphead – which I’ve just picked up in the eShop salesand there’s a fair chance I’ll continue to get mercilessly bludgeoned to death in my ongoing playthrough of Ghosts ‘n Goblins Auferstehung (this game is VERY HARD) but besides these frivolous asides, it’s all F-Zero X, baby. Strap me in and let me feel those Gs.

It’s Gs right? When you…when go really, really fast in a futuristic manner? That’s the Gs. I’m a professional racing driver.

Liam Doolan, news reporter

I’ll admit I haven’t spent much time with Switch Online’s Expansion Pack, but this weekend I’m planning to change that with some F-Zero X. I’ve not really played much of this game since its last digital release on the Wii U believe it or not, so I’m looking forward to revisiting this N64 classic. I might also take a trip down memory lane with The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Maske. Shoutout to Wellenrennen 64, 1080° Snowboarden und Es hatte eine physische Compilation-Veröffentlichung mit seiner Fortsetzung im Einzelhandel in Nordamerika und Japan, aber 64 while I’m at itwe need these games on the service.

Überraschenderweise, F-Zero X isn’t the only game I’ll be speeding around in this weekend. I’m also planning to take a proper look at Chocobo GP. I never played the original games, so I’m looking forward to seeing what this modern take has to offer. I’m a huge kart racing fan, so I’m sure I’ll be able to handle this and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe‘s Booster Pass in the same month. Ein schönes Wochenende, jeder.

Gemma Smith, community manager

I recently picked up a copy of Assassins Creed: Walhalla, and so far I’m completely obsessed! The open world feels huge, I’ve been really enjoying exploring every nook and cranny of the map. I’m going to continue my playthrough this weekend and try to catch up ready for the most recent DLC Morgendämmerung von Ragnarök, which looks fantastic!

This week also marks the 18th anniversary of the Monster Hunter series so to celebrate, I’m going to jump on Aufstieg der Monsterjäger. With plenty of new event quests, I have lots to catch up with. Fröhliches Jagen!

Goncalo Lopes, reviewer

I fondly recall a time during the PlayStation days where every other week there was a new kart racer featuring famous names in the video game canon so I was quite happy to jump onto Chocobo GP. Like most games of this ever spawning genre it is not reinventing the wheel but I welcome this fresh new challenger to Mario Kart 8 crown. Zeitlader is finally out on the eShop and is truly something special. The tribulations in Triangle Strategy continue, with some hard decisions already having been made during the week.

Game of the week is F-Zero X. And how could it not? The hardware upgrade from the original SNES game could not be more evident within this super streamlined, 60 fps smooth, speedy extravaganza, now looking sharper than ever. Once I unlock the X Cup, its infinite tracks for life, baby!

Austin Voigt, contributing writer

Not sure what’s gotten into me this weekend… but there are some very specific games my brain is craving at the moment. I think I can see a clear path, so I’ll try to dissect my thought process: natürlich, the new Kirby und das vergessene Land demo is on the menuand I think the inhale mechanic, essential to all Kirby games, gave me a hankering for jumping back into Luigis Herrenhaus 3. From there, of course you think Marioand it was MAR10 Day yesterdayso I’ve got some weird desire to go finish all of the post-game content in Super Mario Odyssee? Und dann, natürlich, my brain instantly wants to play all of the Mario games, so I’m sure Super Mario 3D-Welt + Bowsers Zorn, eine Menge zusätzlicher Inhalte, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, and all of the other Mario games in my backlog will make an appearance. And now you have insight into my chaotic brain.

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