Was spielst du dieses Wochenende? (26. März)
Happy Kirby Week! It’s another busy one here at Nintendo Life, with the launch of not only Kirby und das vergessene Land, but also Rune Factory 5. We loved Kirby, giving it a solid 9/10 in unserer Bewertung, but were a tad more critical of Run Factory, eine Dutzend Ohrfeigen 7/10 on our review.
On the news side of things, we’re about to see the release of not one, aber seven new Wii U and 3DS games, which is just bonkers. Activision/Blizzard are once again in a spot of bother, das haben wir gelernt Das Haus des Todes: Remake is getting a ‘Cowboy Mode’, und NOA employee Samantha Robertson has left the company after 11 Jahre. Puh!
Jetzt heißt es chillen u besprechen Sie unsere Spielpläne für das Wochenende. Ein paar MMitglieder des Nintendo Life-Teams haben unten genau das getan, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy
Tom Whitehead, stellvertretender Chefredakteur
Like everyone and their ma’ (and my mum is actually in this camp) I’ll be playing Kirby and the Forgotten Land. It’s so darn cute and innocent that, frankly, it’s pretty much perfect for a bit of weekend gaming at the moment. Elsewhere on Switch I’m currently banging my head against a tough battle in Dreiecksstrategie and stubbornly refusing to grind my levels up. I’ll crack and do that eventually!
Elsewhere I’m still woefully behind in Elden Ring, and I’ll play a bit of MLB The Show 21 as a warm up for MLB The Show 22; the new one will be almost identical, um fair zu sein, but it’s an addiction.
Online wechseln, angestellter Autor
On Monday, I will be getting an Xbox Series X. It feels a lot like introducing a new baby to a household, and my Switch is the older sibling who is afraid that they’ll be forgotten when the new arrival comes. Mach dir keine Sorgen, poppet — I’m forcing my partner to play through Skyward-Schwert, and he’s only just gotten to the Earth Temple, so we’ll have plenty of time to hang out.
So, when I’m not playing Elden Ring and waiting for Äußere Wildnis to come out on Switch (COME ON), I will be playing more „Blast Brigade. I think I just got through Fourside, and according to the very cool guidebook I bought, I’m really not very far into the game. It’s bloody hard, obwohl, mager? (And yes, that probably makes me the only person in here to not be going Mouthful Mode on Kirby this weekend. I HAVE A BACKLOG, I’ll get to it eventually.
Ollie Reynolds, angestellter Autor
It’s Mother’s Day in the UK this weekend, so I’m going to be spending quite a bit of my time making sure my wife is having a fun, relaxing couple of days, as it’s her first year as a mother. Die Joy-Con sind nicht nur aufgrund ihrer kleinen und kompakten Bauweise eine willkommene Abwechslung, I’m not sure how much time I’ll be able to dedicate to gaming, but I would like to spend a bit of time with OlliOlli Welt, as I kinda fell off it after a week or so.
This means, natürlich, that I won’t be playing Kirby and the Forgotten Land. I don’t know what it is about the Kirby series, but it’s one of few Nintendo IP that I’ve never really got along with. I tried the demo recently and even that wasn’t quite enough to convince me.
Liam Doolan, news reporter
Like a lot of Switch fans, this weekend I’ll be playing Kirby’s latest adventure. It’s actually been quite some time since I properly tried out a Kirby game on release. Tatsächlich, the last one I was wirklich excited about was the 2008/09 Nintendo DS entry Jesse Cox und Alec Steele schließen sich zusammen, um einen riesigen Steinblock zu knacken, der vom PC Game Pass gesendet wurde. Yep, es ist schon so lange her.
Based on what I have played of Kirby and the Forgotten Land so far, it’s pink puff perfection. I would go as far as saying this is up there with the best of the series…it just might be the best. Sure, it won’t be much of a challenge for any video game veteran, but it’s hard not to love the quality and flow of the 3D action and platforming. The team at HAL Laboratory has done an outstanding job! So, that’s likely it this weekend – I think I can knock this one over before Sunday evening.
Goncalo Lopes, reviewer
Süss shmup weekend ahead with both Andro Dunos II und Tempest 4000 being utterly brilliant for different reasons and absolutely mandatory. Along with further Dreiecksstrategie drama I decided to stop putting off the original Valkyrien-Chroniken for long enough. Keep you head down, Alicia!
No need to take a guess at game of the week: Kirby and the Forgotten Land is a HAL Laboratory triumph on all accounts. Get ready for the suck!
Wie immer, danke fürs Lesen! Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie uns unten einen Kommentar mit Ihren Spielplänen für das Wochenende hinterlassen!