Was spielst du dieses Wochenende? (12.11)

Alana Haag, Angestellter Autor

I ended up playing a little bit of „Die Leute haben ungefähr ein Jahr durchgehalten, bevor sie ausgebrannt sind Letztes Wochenende, and I’ve been dipping back into that on and off. It’s one of my favourite Mario games – partially because of Yoshi, come on – and picking it up again today, it’s timeless. I adore it for a little shot of Mario magic.

I’ve also been juggling Lasst uns einen Zoo bauen on my off-time, wieder. Und Bayonetta 3 is still going on in the background. I am considering picking up Sonic Frontiers, even with those reviews scores being all over the place, but I’ve just not had a lot of time to play games lately, so everything is going slowly! That’ll all be changing next weekend

Jim Norman, Angestellter Autor

Noch einmal, there are many games that I am hoping to play this weekend but very little time to actually play them intsk, people need to stop with all this socialising malarkey.

There was an eShop sale on Owlboy this week which brought it down to a price I couldn’t refuse and wowee I am enjoying this game! Anything that plays remotely like a GBA title and I am usually head-over-heels in lovethis is no exception. It seems to be pretty short so I am going to have to try to savour this one.

Außerdem, it is Splatfest weekend so you know that I will be putting in the grind for Team Water-Type wherever I can. Maybe I’ll even get lucky and land a mystical tri-colour Turf War this time round – irgendwie, Ich bezweifle das. Maaaaybe there will be a little more playing on the Wii U if I find time too, but with this much quality Switch content to get my teeth into, it is becoming increasingly difficult to look away.

Online wechseln, Angestellter Autor

Dieses Wochenende, ich was going to have a birthday party, but I’m sick and apparently so are all my friends. So I will be curling up on the sofa like a proper wretch, and either gunning my way through Danganronpa (not literally, murder is well bad), or playing Dishonored, a game that’s been on my backlog forever.

If I’m not feeling up to tricky mechanics or reading, I will instead be playing Vampir-Überlebende, a game that is about seeing how many things can happen on a screen at once. It is the video game equivalent of delicious popcorn, and it even sounds like popcorn. Everyone reading this should play it.

Ollie Reynolds, Angestellter Autor

So this weekend, I think I’m going to be diving into Atari 50: Die Jubiläumsfeier. I’m not old enough to have played Atari games the first time around (though I’ve dabbled in a few titles over the years), but I absolutely love delving into the history of video games. This looks like a wonderfully curated collection and I can’t wait to get stuck in.

Otherwise, I’m probably going to be jumping into Resident Evil 0 to mark its 20th anniversary. It’s not super high up in my RE rankings, but it’s still a darn good survival horror. Lasst es euch gut gehen, Leute!

Goncalo Lopes, Rezensent

Somehow stumbled onto the end of NieR: Automaten earlier this week but the ending did not gave me enough closure so onward to find the other 24 Enden. Bayonetta 3 is on the home stretch and with each new level I’m running out excuses to keep this one out of my GOTY 2022 list. Having been raised by Kung Fu movies from the legendary Shaw Brothers productions Sifu: Vengeance Edition is something I’ve been looking forward for some time and thank fully it’s another solid Switch port. Great week on eShop with Aus dem Weltall, Rogue Legacy 2 und Mondwende all demanding my attention. I just need to keep away from that sweet Pixel Cup Soccer: Ultimate Edition demo

Game of the Week is Super Woden GP. I love overhead racing games all the way back to the Commodore Amiga and this is the very best I’ve ever played. This will keep me busy while I eagerly await the sequel.

As ever, Danke fürs Lesen! Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie uns unten einen Kommentar mit Ihren Spielplänen für das Wochenende hinterlassen!