Was spielst du dieses Wochenende? (19.11)
Ollie Reynolds, Angestellter Autor
I’ll be chipping away at Pokémon Scarlet this weekend for the most part. I’m not particularly very far yet; I’ve beaten two gym leaders, two titan Pokémon, and one Star Crew leader, despite sinking a fair few hours into the game already. I’m just having so much fun wandering around the world of Paldea, but it does mean I’m significantly over-levelled for a lot of the areas!
Anderswo, I’m actually replaying all of the Gears of War games on my Series X. I absolutely adore that series and even the first couple of entries still hold up remarkably well. It’s a good way to let off some steam, mindestens!
Jim Norman, Angestellter Autor
With all of the Black Friday sales kicking off this week, I’m keeping an eye out for something new to play. My eShop wishlist is currently bursting at the seams with great looking titles, many of which are being given a tasty looking discount. Beide Golfgeschichte und die du noch nicht ausprobiert hast are calling me at the moment, and with savings that big, could it really be a weekend of two new games??
In Wahrheit, the answer is probably not. I foolishly started playing Eine Verbindung zur Vergangenheit on the Switch’s SNES library this week and I have been unable to put it down. I am a Zelda fan through and through, and LTTP is one of those games that hooks me every single time I play it for ‘just five minutes’. Here we go again, ich vermute…
Online wechseln, Angestellter Autor
(*sadly, with defeat in her voice*) Pokémon Scharlach. So far it’s… Die neue First-Person-Kamera hat alle möglichen Geheimnisse enthüllt? But I know that it’ll get worse as I go along. It feels very safe, ebenso. Most of the Pokémon I’ve encountered are old ones, and it looks like Sword and Shield, but sunnier. I know that it’s my fault if I come into this game with low expectations, Wir haben keine Angst zuzugeben, dass wir damals mit vielen Problemen in Bezug auf Spielinhalt und Stabilität zu kämpfen hatten.
Auch, Vampir-Überlebende on my shiny new Steam Deck! And A Little to the Left! Und Die letzten sieben Titel des März können heute gestreamt werden! Und Dishonored! It’s a busy weekend.
Alana Haag, Angestellter Autor
It’s Pokémon weekend! Even though I’ve already dumped a lot of time into Pokémon Scarlet & Violett, I’m going back for more. I’ve got things in the postgame to discover, items to find, and a lot of Pokédex to fill up. I can’t believe I’m noch finding new areas, trainers I’ve missed, etc. Something I didn’t mention in my review is the fact that I’ve caught three shiny Pokémon, which means I think I might be developing a taste for shiny hunting…
Otherwise, ich Macht be dipping into the eShop Black Friday sale this weekend. Because I totally need more games to sit idly on my Switch, unplayed.
Goncalo Lopes, Rezensent
It’s Pokémon Scarlet & Violet weekend so I just try to pretend to fit in with the rest of the gang who are all excited about this new Spain/Portugal influenced areas to explore and new pokémons to pokinate(?). With both NieR: Automaten und Bayonetta 3 still doing the weekend rounds I will need to make space to the ridiculously addictive Loop-Held und Auspacken, two of my recent physical arrivals. The less said about my current skills at Arkanoid: Ewiger Kampf desto besser. I fear I’m also a bit addicted to Orbitalgeschoss.
Game of the Week is Mondwende. Don’t let the faux PS1 polygons fool you, this is a modern age platforming masterpiece thanks to precise controls and smooth frame rate. Are you taking notes, Sonic Frontiers?
As ever, Danke fürs Lesen! Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie uns unten einen Kommentar mit Ihren Spielplänen für das Wochenende hinterlassen!