Was spielst du dieses Wochenende? (1. Oktober)
We did it folks! We made it through the barrage of game releases — more commonly known as ‘September’ — and we live to write another day! Though October is looking just as packed… *Schluck*
Hier bei Nintendo Life, we’ve played through the unofficial Super Mario Bros. 5 fan game made entirely in Super Mario Maker 2, gotten silly with life sims and lauded Lord of the Rings RPGs of old. It has also been an exciting week as we found out not only that Cuphead would be getting a physical release, but we got our first look at Pokémon Scharlachrot und Pokémon Violett‘s newest ‘mon Wiglett — he’s quite the weird little fella!
After getting a hands-on sneak peek bei Sonic Frontiers, perhaps we will be turning to some of the hedgehog’s former adventures in preparation this weekend. Oder vielleicht, after sharing our thoughts on Tunic und reviewing Let’s Build a Zoo, we’ll be checking out both of those!
Nun, below, you can find out what our wonderful writers will be playing as they’ve shared their weekend gaming plans. Wie immer, we want to hear from you all too! Have a read and then be sure to share your video game schedule in the comments below — enjoy!
Alana Haag, angestellter Autor
I bought a splatoon 3 OLED as a birthday treat for myself – and my goodness that screen really makes a difference, doesn’t it? I’ve been dipping into Xenoblade-Chroniken 3 (wieder) and the colours really pop on the OLED — I know it doesn’t run amazing in handheld mode, but my in-bed Xenoblade gaming has improved tenfold. Have I run out of things to do yet? Of course I haven’t. I can’t put it down even though I’m in the postgame!
Otherwise, I’m getting ready for some of the big October releases. I’m going back to Bayonetta and finally checking that one off my backlog, and also revisiting Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. Und, in terms of new stuff, I’m going to give Lasst uns einen Zoo bauen a spin. Spliced animals? What a horror show! But I’m in all the way.
Jim Norman, angestellter Autor
There is an awful lot that I am hoping to play this weekend. The amount that I will tatsächlich play may be a different discussion — one which is entirely dependent on how I am feeling about my bank balance.
Let’s be optimistic here. I really want to sink my teeth into Tunic und Schaufelritter Dig. Two very different games admittedly, aber dennoch, ones that have instantly grabbed me with their visuals — seeing either one of these on the OLED? Chef’s kiss.
I’m also yet to really crack open my copy of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Die Cowabunga-Sammlung, so it would be great to get some totally tubular action in if I find time between these new purchases. Ol’ reliable as I am becoming, there will undoubtedly be some Splatoon 3-ing in the meantime – consider me well and truly hooked.
Ollie Reynolds, angestellter Autor
I’m not sure how much time I’ll get this weekend to play games, but I’ll try and sneak in a bit more Bayonetta 2 here and there if possible. I’m getting close to wrapping it up now, so I’m keen to just get it done. Otherwise, there’s not a whole lot else I’m looking to dive into! I’d like to buy Kehre zur Affeninsel zurück bald, but I’m going to replay the first two games first to refresh my memory a bit, so that’s on hold for the time being.
Goncalo Lopes, reviewer
While my journey in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 edges ever closer to its conclusion, it is hard to ignore the fact that the eShop absolutely exploded this week. Shmup junkies like myself are more than covered with Moon Dancer und beide Versionen von Bullet Soul being among the finest representation of the genre. 16-bit shovelling action is guaranteed with Shovel Knight Dig, oppressive souls-like Metroidvania is covered by Mondnarben, zen city building will be happening in Dorfromantik, and hypnotizing trains are in motion with EISENBAHN. All that while the physical box of The Legend of Heroes: Spuren von Null is teasing me for my JRPG time slot. 48 hours simply won’t cut it this time!
Game of the week is Tunic. It was a long and hard wait for this gem to land on the Switch but it was well worth it; it is truly something quite special.
Online wechseln, angestellter Autor
Dieses Wochenende, I’ll be… mostly working on my side projects. Umwerben! Aber auch, AI: Die Traumdateien is about to get knocked off Game Pass, so I’m going to try to finish it before then. And since I finally finished 13 Wächter (wooooo!) maybe I can get started on Danganronpa, which I bought in one of the recent sales. I’ve played it before, but I want to play it wieder.
As ever, Danke fürs Lesen! Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie uns unten einen Kommentar mit Ihren Spielplänen für das Wochenende hinterlassen!