Was spielst du dieses Wochenende? (17.09)
*deep breath* There was a Nintendo Direct this week! Und es war chock-a-block full of games. But the big news is that we, zu guter Letzt, know the name (and release date) of Breath of the Wild’s follow-up. RUHE IN FRIEDEN The Sequel to… The Legend of Zelda: Tränen des Königreichs is a lot less of a mouthful, Aber eines ist sicher – sie werden alle verhökert. And that box art is… gut, art.
Other Direct highlights include Pikmin 4 tatsächlich, really existing, a brand new Fire Emblem game with a toothpaste-haired protagonist, und Octopath Traveller II bringing more HD-2D goodness to the Switch.
Anderswo, wir broke down the new Zelda trailer in extreme detail and took a look back at Xenoblade-Chroniken 3 Entwickler Monolith Soft’s history with Nintendo, who just happens to be working on Tears of the Kingdom. But we also made time to review the MMO Pokémon-like Temptem, and we were pretty impressed!
Jetzt, some of our wonderful writers have shared what their plans are for the weekend below and we would love to hear what you guys are up to in the comments below! Happy reading!
Goncalo Lopes, reviewer
Remember when I left on vacation believing I would complete Xenoblade-Chroniken 3 in said period of absence? The 100th hour is coming up on my save data and as far as I can tell I’m nowhere near the end.
Add a splice of SD Gundam Battle Alliance hectic combat and grind-heavy upgrades along with the sad realization I’m nowhere near as good as I remember at Strahlendes Silbergewehr and that’s my weekend sorted… Assuming I can stay away long enough from splatoon 3, River City Saga Three Kingdoms und JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle R. 48 hours just isn’t enough.
Online wechseln, angestellter Autor
I’ve just downloaded the Bei der Ernte demo — I don’t usually bother with demos, but this one I think requires me trying it out for myself. I love farming-type games, but I’m not a massive fan of Square Enix JRPGs… they’re too long, and there are too many characters. Freilich, so are farming games. But it’s different!!!
So far it seems nice but it’s been pretty much one long cutscene. I hope I get to do something soon. Auch, is it just me, or is it almost exactly the plot of Bloodborne???
Ollie Reynolds, angestellter Autor
With the recent gameplay demonstrations of Bayonetta 3 leaving me feeling a bit… well, deflated, for lack of a better word, I’ve gone back to Bayonetta 2 to try and get myself back in the mood again. I would go back to the first game, but I’m just not sure I’ll have the time to get through both of them before the end of October, so this will have to do. And yes, it’s still a masterpiece in action gameplay!
Anderswo, I’m playing through Todesstrandung auf der PS5, with all those ‘Director’s Cut’ additions and whatnot. It’s a really good game to just chill out with when I want to wind down; walking across the beautiful terrain whilst listening to the glorious music of Low Roar definitely makes for some memorable moments. It took me a few attempts to really appreciate Death Stranding, but now I just can’t get enough of it.
Alana Haag, angestellter Autor
Jeder erinnert sich an Premieren, what a Direct that was. At least for me anyway. I’ve got some work to get done this weekend, so there won’t be too much gaming for me. Because I think I need more RPGs and farming sims in my life, I’ll be snatching up the demos for Harvestella and Jack Move auf Schalter. Aber auch, I won’t shut up about the new Theaterrhythmus Spiel, Final Bar Line, so to satiate my appetite, I’m digging out my 3DS to play some Curtain Call!
Ehrlich, it’s probably going to be a heavy Final Fantasy Wochenende. I’ve been dragged back into Final Fantasy XIV on PS5 thanks to the ‘Call Back Campaign’ — so that’s any other free time I may have gone. nun ja. See you next week, Leute!
Gavin Lane, Editor
This weekend will be much like the last few for me: a struggle to squeeze any quality gaming time in at all! I’ve recently moved house and any free moment I get is spent surrounded by towers of still-not-unpacked boxes making me feel guilty for watching an episode of Die jungen before bed instead of tidying things away.
I have managed to play one game a little bit over the past couple of weeks, and I’d love to be able to spend some more time with it – with an eye to reviewing it for you lovely people. Please, Berühren Sie das Kunstwerk has been great company so far, a handheld-only puzzler with striking visuals and a brilliant sense of humour.
The premise is way too complex to explain in the space I’ve got here, but this video I was linked to a while back featuring the developer himself does a good job of introducing things.
Zion Grassl, senior video producer
ich’ve had a problem of starting a slew of new games this summer but never committing to finishing them, but that changed this week! I managed to roll the credits on Attack of the Friday Monsters, Elite Beat Agents, Later Alligator und selbst Unsterblichkeit auf Xbox (don’t tell our bosses, gefallen!) While I still have a few games on my docket to finish (I’m looking at you Die Tür des Todes & So 27. Feb) I’m thinking it may be okay to start something new!
While the campaign for Splatoon 3 looks incredibly enticing, I’m thinking I’ve had this incredible urge to bust out my GameCube and play through something on my old school CRT tube TV! I did start up Metroid Prime earlier this week, and while I should realistically stick with it since I’ve never really played it before, another part of me wants to dive into the Master Quest disc I own for The Legend of Zelda: Okarina der Zeit… the classics will always have a hold on me I swear. Heben Sie die Hand, wenn Sie eine einzelne Figur aus Filmen benennen können Tunic is coming to switch and Töten is collecting dust on my shelf! What do I do? Someone, please send help!
As ever, Danke fürs Lesen! Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie uns unten einen Kommentar mit Ihren Spielplänen für das Wochenende hinterlassen!