Was kann das? $1200 Tragbarer PC Erzählen Sie uns von „Switch Pro“?

Aya Neo 2021 Pro
Bild: Nintendo-Leben / Damien McFerran

Nächstes Jahr, die Switch wird fünf Jahre alt – ein Umstand, der die anhaltende Nachfrage nach der Konsole umso bemerkenswerter macht. Obwohl es von einer Technologie angetrieben wird, die, sogar wieder rein 2017, kaum als topaktuell zu bezeichnen, das Hybridsystem hat sich umgestellt 90 Millionen Einheiten weltweit und zeigt keine Anzeichen einer Verlangsamung, während wir in den Markt einziehen 2022.

Even so, Nintendo ist versiert genug, um zu wissen, dass kontinuierliche Hardware-Aktualisierungen eine gute Möglichkeit sind, die Dynamik aufrechtzuerhalten, und es wurde bereits zweimal auf dem Basismodell des Switches iteriert (dreimal, wenn man die Version mit verbesserter Akkulaufzeit zählt). Diese Jahre OLED-Modell ist vielleicht die bedeutendste Verbesserung, ein größeres mitbringen, superhelles Display, verbessertes Audio und überragende Verarbeitungsqualität. Jedoch, das einzige, worauf viele gehofft haben, fehlt: mehr Power unter der Haube. In Bezug auf die Verarbeitungsleistung, Es ist im Wesentlichen das gleiche Geschäft wie das 2017 original.

Je nachdem wem du glaubst, vielleicht sehen wir noch a „Switch Pro“’ next year, aber vorerst, das OLED-Modell ist das Beste, was wir bekommen werden. Jedoch, Es gibt andere tragbare Gaming-Systeme auf dem Markt, die beeindruckendere Spezifikationen aufweisen als die Switch, einer davon ist der Aya Neo.

Ursprünglich Crowdfunding in 2020, der Aya Neo ist ein Windows-basierter Handheld-PC, der auf AMDs äußerst gut getestetem Ryzen läuft 4000 System-on-Chip. This year, das System wurde in Form des Aya Neo 2021 Pro, welches den AMD Ryzen ersetzt 5 4500U-Chipsatz mit der leistungsstärkeren 4800U-Variante. Auch die AMD Radeon GPU bekommt einen Spec-Bump, Verpackung 8 Kerne und eine Taktrate von bis zu 1,7 GHz (compared to 6 Kerne im Originalmodell und eine Taktrate von 1,5 GHz). Jetzt, PC-Hardware ist nicht unbedingt unser Fachgebiet, Also riefen wir an Digitale Gießereien Richard Leadbetter, um die Fakten zu diesem Gerät zu erfahren. “Es ist im Grunde ein etablierter Laptop-Prozessor mit integrierter AMD Vega-Grafik, läuft mit einer sehr niedrigen Leistungsschwelle, um eine angemessene Batterielebensdauer zu gewährleisten,” er erklärt.

Das 'Retro Power'-Design soll eindeutig Gamer eines bestimmten Jahrgangs ansprechen
Die „Retro-Macht“’ Design soll eindeutig Gamer eines bestimmten Jahrgangs ansprechen (Bild: Nintendo-Leben / Damien McFerran)

Aya Neo 2021 Pro: Das Design

Die Aya Neo 2021 Pro hat ein sehr Switch-ähnliches Design, mit den verschiedenen Knöpfen und Sticks an vertrauten Stellen, und ist von den Gesamtabmessungen her eng mit Nintendos Konsole vergleichbar. Jedoch, Die Controller lassen sich nicht vom Hauptgerät lösen – ein wichtiges Verkaufsargument für Switch – aber Sie können es mit einem separat erhältlichen Dock auf einem Fernseher oder Monitor abspielen. Kabelgebundene Konnektivität und Bluetooth-Unterstützung ermöglichen eine breite Palette an optionalem Zubehör, wie Controller, Mäuse und Tastaturen.

Während die Aya Neo 2021 Pro hat in Bezug auf das Design viele Ähnlichkeiten mit Switch, es ist kein komplettes Match. Die Bedienelemente kommen mir sicherlich bekannt vor, mit all den üblichen Befehlen an den gleichen Stellen wie auf Nintendos Konsole – aber es gibt ein paar Ausnahmen. Das Vier-Tasten-Cluster auf der linken Seite ist hier ein solides D-Pad, und es ist gut, zu, auch wenn es sich manchmal etwas schwammig anfühlt. Darunter befinden sich vier weitere Tasten, deren Funktion variiert je nachdem, welches Spiel Sie spielen oder wo Sie sich gerade in der Benutzeroberfläche des Systems befinden – diese werden von weiteren vier Schaltflächen auf der rechten Seite des Systems gespiegelt. In diesem Cluster, eine Taste ist "Escape"’ und ist praktisch, um bestimmte Anwendungen zu verlassen, während ein anderer die fast unverzichtbare Bildschirmtastatur anzeigt.

Am unteren Rand des Aya Neo 2021 Pro finden Sie die Stereolautsprecher und einen USB-C-Anschluss, auf der Oberseite befindet sich eine massive Belüftungsöffnung für den Lüfter – sowie zwei weitere USB-C-Anschlüsse, eine 3,5-mm-Kopfhörerbuchse, die Lautstärkeregler und der Power-Button. Hier gibt es vier Schulterauslöser, zu, wobei LT und RT analoger Natur sind, während LB und RB kleiner sind, digitale Tasten. Auf dem Rücken, es gibt eine weitere massive Entlüftung für den bulligen Innenlüfter, die einen ordentlichen Job macht, um die Dinge kühl zu halten – aber, es negiert die Hitzeentwicklung nicht vollständig, und während einiger Spiele, Sie werden das Heck des Aya Neo spüren 2021 Profi wird ziemlich warm.

Die 7-Zoll-Konsole, 1280×800-Pixel H-IPS-Bildschirm ist im Vergleich zum LCD-Panel des ursprünglichen Switch anständig genug – jedoch, wenn es neben dem OLED-Bildschirm auf der neueren Iteration eingestellt ist, es sieht aus wie das zweitbeste. Während das Gesamtdesign des Aya Neo 2021 Pro erinnert sich an den Switch, es ist tatsächlich viel dicker und schwerer – eine verständliche Konsequenz, wenn man all diese Spitzentechnologie in einen tragbaren Rahmen stopfen muss. Auf der positiven Seite, the ‘Retro Powerdesign we’re reviewing here – which is based on the original 1989 Game Boy – looks lovely.

Ja, you can play Halo Infinite on this thing
Ja, you can play Halo Infinite on this thing (Bild: Nintendo-Leben / Damien McFerran)

Aya Neo 2021 Pro: Die Spiele

While it would be foolish to suggest that the Aya Neo 2021 Pro and Switch are in direct competition with one another, they’re arguably sharing the same space when it comes to many of the games they run. Valve’s popular digital storefront Steam is packed with AAA content and indie titles, and this can be used to populate the Aya Neo 2021 Pro’s 1TB of internal storage (other digital stores are supported, zu).

A cursory glance shows there’s a lot of crossover with the Switch eShop; DOOM ewig, Witcher 3, Spyro Reignited-Trilogie, Firewatch, Ace Attorney Trilogy, Hades, Stardew Valley, Subnautica, hohle Ritter, FIFA 22, Apex Legends… the list is almost endless, and we’ve not touched upon the many titles which sind nicht auf Schalter, such as Forza Horizon 5, Cyberpunk 2077, Resident Evil Village, Devil May Cry V, Yakuza: Wie ein Drache, Halo Infinite and countless others.

Steam is one of the most popular digital storefronts in the world, and a massive boon with a device like the Aya Neo 2021 Pro – it’s also worth mentioning that Game Pass members can download many of the same titles available on Steam as part of their subscription, and Xbox Cloud Gaming is also supported – but the big catch is that you obviously don’t get the games that most people buy a Switch for: those made by Nintendo itself. That means no Zelda: Atem der Wildnis, no Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, no Metroid-Schrecken und nein Animal Crossing: Neue Horizonte (unless, natürlich, you feel like being very naughty indeed, which we wouldn’t condone for a second).

Speaking of naughtiness, it goes without saying that the Aya Neo 2021 Pro is an emulation powerhouse. It’s powerful enough to emulate consoles up to and including the PlayStation 2, und, via the versatile RetroArch application, offers a vibrant and deeply customisable platform for experiencing old games.

Aya Neo 2021 Pro
Bild: Nintendo-Leben / Damien McFerran

What’s The Aya Neo Like To Actually Use?

While there’s a degree of crossover when comparing the Aya Neo 2021 Pro and the Switch, things are very, very different when it comes to the user experience and interface. Switch has a streamlined and easy-to-parse UI which makes everything smooth and hassle-free (even if it lacks folders at the time of writing), but the Aya Neo 2021 Pro is a more unwieldy, complex beast; Windows- 10 (which the unit ships with) is tricky to interact with and navigate using just the touch screen, and while there’s a ‘tabletmode baked into the OS, it’s still more complicated and fiddly than the Switch’s UI. The company behind the system has at least attempted to make it more friendly by including the ‘Aya Spaceapplication, which presents a gaming-focused UI that pulls together all of your installed games and allows you to easily tinker with settings such as throttling (or unleashing) the full power of the Ryzen hardware, or altering the speed of the internal fan.

Link the Aya Neo 2021 Pro to an external monitor via USB-C and you have a reasonably powerful desktop computer

Natürlich, with the increased complexity that a Windows-based handheld offers comes massively expanded opportunity for customisation, and because it’s a PC, you can connect a mouse and keyboard and use it like one. That makes the Aya Neo 2021 Pro an incredibly enticing prospect to people who want a device that covers gaming, media and PC-related functions. Link the Aya Neo 2021 Pro to an external monitor via USB-C and you have a reasonably powerful desktop computer, which means you can use it for all kinds of things – word processing, Fotobearbeitung, media consumption and (as we’ve already mentioned) emulation.

Die Aya Neo 2021 Pro is surprisingly quick to boot, with only a few seconds separating you from a complete switch-off system to the full desktop. The internal fan isn’t as loud as you might expect, although the default ‘wildsetting is incredibly annoying, as it makes the fan fluctuate to the point where we were genuinely concerned that there might be a fault with it. Toggled to the ‘Savingmode in the Aya Space application, it’s less erratic and only really gets noisy when the system is doing some real heavy-lifting in terms of processing.

So, what’s it like to play on a handheld that’s capable of running the critically-maligned Cyberpunk 2077? Performance is actually surprisingly good, although it’s worth noting that when running in-game benchmark tests, many titles suggest the ‘mediumor ‘lowgraphical settings to keep things ticking along smoothly. This isn’t much of an issue when you’re playing on a 1280×800 pixel screen, but you do miss out on some of the more eye-catching effects, wie Schatten, advanced light and (natürlich) ray-tracing. Even so, we were impressed with how well a title with a reputation like Cyberpunk 2077’s runs on a device the size of a Switch, and even Forza Horizon 5 and Halo Infinite were smooth and playable (wieder, largely due to the visuals being toned down). None of these titles hit a smooth 60fps, though – 30fps is the best you can reasonably hope for.

While the Switch itself can hardly boast the most impressive staying power, it effortlessly outperforms the Aya Neo 2021 Pro in terms of stamina

The massive catch here is that despite packing three 4100mAh batteries, the Aya Neo 2021 Pro’s stamina is disappointing. While the manufacturer advertises between 5 und 6 hours of play under certain settings, we found that a wildly optimistic figure, especially when playing anything even remotely demanding. The more realistic estimate, also given by the manufacturer, ist “bis zu 140 minutes for demanding AAA gaming”, which matches up with our own real-world experience of using the system; two hours is about the best you can hope for when playing relatively recent games. Zugegeben, you can tone down the power when playing less-demanding games, but it’s clear that while the Switch itself can hardly boast the most impressive staying power, it effortlessly outperforms the Aya Neo 2021 Pro in terms of stamina.

It’s not really surprising that battery life is poor,” Leadbetter says when presented with this data, but adds that any machine promising this kind of power is going to be hamstrung when it comes to battery life. “I’m not expecting that much more from Valve’s upcoming Steam Deck. It has a 40Whr battery and the main chip gobbles up to 15Whr so once screen and storage are added to that, that’ll be around 20Whr from a 40Whr battery – which equals two hours. That’s why they’re talking about 30fps caps and what-not in the marketing materials to lower power consumption and extend battery life.

Aya Neo 2021 Pro
Bild: Nintendo-Leben / Damien McFerran

What Can The Aya Neo Tell Us About A ‘Switch Pro’?

As we’ve already discussed, the Aya Neo isn’t likely to challenge the Switch in terms of pure sales figures, and is clearly aimed at a much more niche sector of the market – but that doesn’t mean it can’t tell us some important things about what a future Switch revision could entail.

Beispielsweise, it’s clear that, despite being a bit long in the tooth now, the Nvidia Tegra X1 chipset that powers the Switch was the right tech for the job back in 2017. Its mobile-focused nature has enabled Nintendo to create a platform that is lightweight, not too power-hungry and – when treated correctly – can deliver impressive visual results. Tatsächlich, one of the things that struck us most of all during our time with the Aya Neo 2021 Pro is that, hauptsächlich, many of the games are visually comparable to their Switch counterparts. Sure, titles like Witcher 3 and DOOM Eternal look better, but there’s perhaps not the gulf one would expect when you consider the relative power of the silicon inside each system – especially when the Aya Neo 2021 Pro costs around $1200 compared to the Switch’s more modest $300 Preisschild ($200 for the Switch Lite). That fact alone will put it way out of reach for most casual players, let alone hardcore console gamers.

The balancing act struck by Nintendo is all about fine-tuning that ratio between power and stamina – something the creators of the Aya Neo 2021 Pro have arguably ignored in order to provide as much processing grunt as possible. While it offers incredible power on tap and effectively delivers a PC-style experience in the palm of your hand, that comes at a massive cost in terms of battery life; two hours simply isn’t going to be enough for a lot of players.

The 'Aya Space' app attempts to make the UX a little more console-like and straightforward
The ‘Aya Spaceapp attempts to make the UX a little more console-like and straightforward (Bild: Nintendo-Leben / Damien McFerran)

The biggest draw of a system like the Aya Neo 2021 Pro isn’t necessarily the raw power it provides, but the fact that it offers portable access to Steam, which is packed to bursting point with games. This does, natürlich, place the system in direct competition with the upcoming Steam-Deck, which is also powered by AMD silicon and has the same resolution display. Der Fang? It’s around half the price of the Aya Neo 2021 Pro, which will most likely mean that it will cannibalise sales when it eventually arrives in early 2022 – and that’s before we even take into account the fact that the portable gaming PC landscape is already quite crowded, what with the GPD Win 3, Win MAX 2021 and ONEXPLAYER all available. “I would expect Steam Deck to be a fair bit better, as it is using a more modern AMD CPU core (albeit with four cores), more efficient RDNA 2 architecture and a remarkably wide memory interface – key to getting the most out of integrated graphics,” says Leadbetter.

Nintendo is very much focused on offering a mass-market product that appeals to the widest possible audience at the most agreeable price

Natürlich, it’s unlikely that the company behind the Aya Neo 2021 Pro expects its machine to have anything more than a niche following, and a successful crowdfunding campaign shows there’s an audience for this kind of device – even when alternatives like the Switch and Steam Deck exist. Nintendo – despite offering a machine that covers much of the same ground in terms of software – is almost certain to chart its own course with the Switch Pro, or Switch 2 – whichever comes first.

Its relationship with Nvidia has been incredibly profitable for both parties, and it’s unlikely that Nintendo would consider switching allegiances to another chipmaker unless the benefits were overwhelmingly obvious (Qualcomm may well try its hardest to tempt Nintendo and others with its recently-announced Snapdragon G3x developer kit, jedoch). It’s also worth noting that Nintendo is very much focused on offering a mass-market product that appeals to the widest possible audience at the most agreeable price, which rules out any bold move into a technological arms race; the Kyoto firm hasn’t played that particular game since it opted to base the Wii on previous-gen technology.

While it’s tempting to hold up the Aya Neo 2021 Pro – and, Tat, the Steam Deck – as possible blueprints for a future Switch hardware refresh, Nintendo has always done things its own way. “Comparisons to the new Switch are going to be tricky,” says Leadbetter. “They’re very different. I think – as always – people hoping for a cutting-edge, super high-end Nintendo handheld will be disappointed, but if we are getting a generational leap in performance and some form of DLSS AI upscaling as rumours suggest, it should still be very impressive.

Die Aya Neo 2021 Pro unit used in this feature was supplied by the manufacturer.