World of Warships: Legends Erstes Update von 2022 ist jetzt Live

The might of the Regia Marina is growing! A whole new Italian battleship line comes out in Early Access with four ships with heavy guns on board, including Francesco Caracciolo with her 15-inch (381 mm) guns capping it for now at Tier VI. There’s more to support the unleashing of those huge, armored monsters: release of flexible Tier VI Premium cruiser Gorizia, return of rare Tier VII battleship Roma for Global XP, and a selection of discounts for Premium Italian ships of various tiers. Watch out for Tier VII Vittorio Veneto, arriving in the next update to mark the branch going researchable.

World of Warships-Legenden

Azur Lane collaboration wave III

Collaboration with Azur Lane comes back again, starting February 7. The range consists of six new Commanders with unique voiceovers:

  • Eagle Union/USA: Montpelier
  • Sakura Empire/Japan: Azuma, Shoukaku and Yukikaze
  • Northern Parliament/Soviet Union: Avrora
  • Sardegna Empire/Italy: Littorio

Littorio for Sardegna Empire and Avrora for Northern Parliament expand the choice to include factions not featured in previous waves. The Commander spectrum covers all the types of ships: Yukikaze is best fit for destroyers, Montpelier, Azuma, and Avrora are great at commanding cruisers, Littorio is battleship-dedicated officer, while Shoukaku is in charge of the aircraft carriers.

There’s more themed content to choose from: three new ships with the likes of Montpelier and Avrora cruisers, and Yukikaze destroyer, and three fascinating-looking skins for Shoukaku, Roma (the Littorio one) and Azuma are reinforcing the selection as well!

Azur Lane Avrora, the famous Soviet/Northern Parliament cruiser, is going to be available through a dedicated bundle with a bonus flag, with a mission to acquire the Commander of the same name for free.

Pride of Prussia Campaign

First campaign of the year 2022 is centered around powerful German battleship Brandenburg. While being close to Bismarck-class, she sports more guns, for both main and secondary batteries. Pick up Admiralty Backing and get her within five weeks, barging through 100 Meilensteine. There’s an abundance of in-game items of all sorts and colors scattered on the way to get the ship, waiting to be picked up. Those include crates, doubloons, camos, and more various goods.

Cross-platform divisions

Playing for different console teams with your friends? This is no longer a dividing factor! Division with them, unabhängig von der Plattform, and add anyone from Legends to your friend list, which is now cross-platform, zu! One important thing to mention: the divisions still include up to three players.

Ranked duels

Have you ever wondered about what happens if you play Legends on your own, with zero teammates? Or are you a master of unparalleled skill when it comes to one-on-one situations? So oder so, the new Ranked battles seasons cater to your pleasure, with five of those coming in form of 1v1 duels for ships from Tier III to VII, depending on the season, during most of the upcoming update. As ever, prizes are awarded according to the results at the end of each season, with crates, Commander Progression items, Steel, and more in-game items available.

World of Warships-Legenden

Lunar New Year celebrations

The Year of the Tiger is going to be beautiful: Courage skin for Loyang and Fury skin for the all-new Pan-Asian cruiser Huanghe of Tier V speak for themselves! Southern and Eastern dragon ships also make the return to spice up the celebrations. Tier VII Premium Pan-Asian destroyer Loyang is making a return herself, available for a standard amount of 750,000 Global XP. Huanghe is the first chance to try out a Pan-Asian cruiser of a higher tier. She provides a unique type of gameplay, with the Smoke Generator and Torpedo Reload Booster consumables, and flexibility being her middle name.

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World of Warships: Legends



Erleben Sie epische Marine-Action in World of Warships: Legends, ein globales, kostenloses Multiplayer-Onlinespiel, in dem Sie die Meere auf den Decks der größten Kriegsschiffe der Geschichte meistern können! Rekrutiere legendäre Kommandanten, Rüsten Sie Ihre Schiffe auf, und erhebe deinen Anspruch auf die Seeherrschaft neben und gegen Spieler aus der ganzen Welt.

Neuer Inhalt in Form von Schiffen, Kampagnen, Büroprojekte, events, und weitere kommen regelmäßig hinzu! Jedes Update bringt neue Funktionen, die das Spiel aufmischen.

Entwickeln Sie im Büro legendäre Kriegsschiffe wie die Yamato von Grund auf, Nehmen Sie an den Saisons der gewerteten Gefechte teil, um exklusive Patches und zusätzliche Belohnungen zu erhalten, und beende epische Kampagnen, um mächtige neue Schiffe zu erhalten!

Übernehmen Sie die Kontrolle über 120 Zerstörer, Kreuzer, und Schlachtschiffe – eine Auswahl, die für jeden Spielstil perfekt ist, ob es sich dabei um einen mit allen Waffen betriebenen Ansatz handelt, vorsichtigere und methodischere Angriffe, oder Taktiken, die für Sie einzigartig sind.

Schließen Sie sich mit Freunden zusammen, um Spieler auf der ganzen Welt herauszufordern, und über Konsolen hinweg zusammenarbeiten, um Strategien zu entwickeln und Angriffe per Voice-Chat zu planen. Kooperiere, um deine Gegner zu übertrumpfen und das Blatt der Schlacht zu wenden!

World of Warships: Legends bietet Lootboxen, die als bekannt sind “Behälter” und “Kisten.” Diese bieten verschiedene Gegenstände, um Ihren Fortschritt im Spiel zu steigern