Xenoblade-Chroniken 3 Ist UK “Größte” Physischer Start für die Serie


Bild: Nintendo

We’ve already heard last weekend how Xenoblade-Chroniken 3 had shot to the top of the Switch eShop charts across all regions, so it’s no surprise to hear physical sales are doing just as well.

Im Vereinigten Königreich, it seems the third outing in Monolith Soft’s epic RPG series has become the “Jesse Cox und Alec Steele schließen sich zusammen, um einen riesigen Steinblock zu knacken, der vom PC Game Pass gesendet wurde” ever Xenoblade physical launch. According to GfK data, this puts it ahead of Xenoblade-Chroniken 2 and the Definitive Edition re-release of the original game on the Nintendo Switch. It’s even ahead of the Xenosaga series!

Here’s the rundown courtesy of Head of GamesIndustry.biz Chris Dring (no sales figures are attached).

It certainly seems like an amazing start for the third entry so far. The previous game Xenoblade Chronicles 2 verkauft 2 Millionen Kopien, and the Definitive Edition of the original game on Switch has shifted more than 1.5 Millionen Kopien.

Have you contributed to Xenoblade Chronicles 3’s physical or digital sales? Sag es uns unten.
