11 Cambie los juegos para jugar durante el Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental

Every May you’ll see various organisations, groups and individuals taking the opportunity to raise mental health awareness. It’s a topic that now has far more research, understanding and knowledge attached to it, in the process helping people recognise and get help for related issues.

The stigma around mental health issues is thankfully being reduced each year, with popular media also addressing different aspects of the topic. Mainstream movies and TV shows now increasingly portray mental health, and gaming is no different. In the gaming space this is often in the Indie or download space, but there have been some major success stories that show the importance of the subject, y jugadores’ eagerness to engage with titles that show creativity and emotional intelligence alongside shooty-shooty-bang-bang mechanics and spectacle.

The Switch has a number of games that tackle different aspects of mental health, such as issues of identity, self-confidence, social skills, processing and dealing with trauma, and more besides. This list picks out some exceptional games on Nintendo’s system that fall into this category; a number of our team can certainly relate to these games being not only terrific to play, but being emotive and powerful experiences.

Celeste (Cambiar eShop)Celeste (Cambiar eShop)

Editor: Matt hace juegos / Desarrollador: Matt hace juegos

Fecha de lanzamiento: 25th ene 2018 (Estados Unidos) / 25th ene 2018 (Reino Unido / UE)

Celeste es una amalgama ejemplar de estilo, mecánica, character and storytelling. Un juego de plataformas de acción endiabladamente brillante que requiere suficiente habilidad para entusiasmar a los puristas del género y a la comunidad del speedrunning., y al mismo tiempo presenta un desglose de los elementos del juego para personalizar y atender a todos los públicos.. Si bien el juego mecánicamente es genial., si es familiar, El estilo artístico y la narrativa son realmente especiales., mostrando un rango y profundidad tanto visual como emocional que resonará e inspirará. Celeste es la cima absoluta de la exploración y el descubrimiento personal en Nintendo Switch.

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GRIS (Cambiar eShop)GRIS (Cambiar eShop)

Editor: Devolver Digital / Desarrollador: Estudio Nómada

Fecha de lanzamiento: 13th dic 2018 (Estados Unidos) / 13th dic 2018 (Reino Unido / UE)

Somos muy cuidadosos cuando usamos esta palabra, pero gris es una obra maestra. Su estilo visual asombroso y su partitura desgarradora se combinan para crear una de las obras de arte interactivas más emotivas que jamás haya jugado.. Puede ser demasiado corto para algunos, sus acertijos pueden ser simples y la falta de un desafío real puede no ser del gusto de todos, pero este es un juego centrado más en la fragilidad que en la habilidad y siempre y cuando estés dispuesto a seguir el viaje., es uno que se quedará contigo durante mucho tiempo..

Sayonara corazones salvajes (Cambiar eShop)Sayonara corazones salvajes (Cambiar eShop)

Editor: Annapurna interactivo / Desarrollador: Simogo

Fecha de lanzamiento: 19th de septiembre 2019 (Estados Unidos) / 19th de septiembre 2019 (Reino Unido / UE)

Sayonara corazones salvajes is a rather unique experience, as it takes its concept of being a video game pop album literally. Though it’ll take time getting gold medals across all levels, an ‘Albummode can see you wrap it up in less than an hour on repeat plays, with the music and gameplay combining together for a unique journey. The journey is special, demasiado, as our protagonist confronts and conquers their past through creative, emotive play and storytelling. Essential music-driven gaming, be sure to pop in some headphones as well.

Night In The Woods (Cambiar eShop)Night In The Woods (Cambiar eShop)

Editor: Finji / Desarrollador: Infinite Fall

Fecha de lanzamiento: 1febrero 2018 (Estados Unidos) / 1febrero 2018 (Reino Unido / UE)

Less of a game, and more of an interactive story with some light platforming and exploring to tie it all together, Night In The Woods is one of the most rewarding experiences you can play on Nintendo Switch. A curio better played for yourself than described by us, it’s an indie title that will no doubt leave an impression with its enchanting soundtrack, disarming story and instantly identifiable character arcs. Strange and wonderful in equal measure.

Palabras perdidas: Beyond The Page (Cambiar eShop)Palabras perdidas: Beyond The Page (Cambiar eShop)

Editor: Juegos de Modus / Desarrollador: Sketchbook Games

Fecha de lanzamiento: 6th abr 2021 (Estados Unidos) / 6th abr 2021 (Reino Unido / UE)

En Palabras perdidas: Más allá de la página you play as a young girl exploring her imagination, using words and creativity in very literal ways to shape the world around you. There’s some scope for determining the story, demasiado, but the overall narrative is a huge strength beyond the beautiful visuals and gentle platform puzzling. It’s a pleasurable gaming experience also suited to less skilled players, demasiado, but it’s in the journey of our young protagonist — and the loss she must confront — that the true weight of this experience is to be found.

Hellblade: El sacrificio de Senua (Cambiar eShop)Hellblade: El sacrificio de Senua (Cambiar eShop)

Editor: Ninja Theory / Desarrollador: Ninja Theory

Fecha de lanzamiento: 11th abr 2019 (Estados Unidos) / 11th abr 2019 (Reino Unido / UE)

To have Ninja Theory’s Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice on Switch in such fine form is a blessing that you shouldn’t miss out on. El juego en sí es una experiencia sensorial psicológica que recomendamos encarecidamente., pero el hecho de que se haya traducido a Switch de una manera tan completa es la verdadera sorpresa aquí.. It doesn’t feel like a downgrade at all – it stands proudly alongside the other ‘miracle’ ports on the system, posiblemente superándolos en algunos aspectos. It’s a game with extraordinary use of sound, some undoubtedly dark and challenging storytelling, and emotional moments that’ll stay with you for a long time.

Florencia (Cambiar eShop)Florencia (Cambiar eShop)

Editor: Annapurna interactivo / Desarrollador: Mountains

Fecha de lanzamiento: 13th feb 2020 (Estados Unidos) / 13th feb 2020 (Reino Unido / UE)

Florencia is an evocation of the beauty, sadness and hope that comes from any human connection we make in our lives, whether with art, nature or another person. It’s a succinct and incredibly successful exploration of moments you’ll recognise from your own life, and the way it mirrors thoughts and feelings through small gameplay mechanics makes it one of the most affecting experiences we’ve enjoyed on Switch, or any other platform.

Spiritfarer (Cambiar eShop)Spiritfarer (Cambiar eShop)

Editor: Thunder Lotus Games / Desarrollador: Thunder Lotus Games

Fecha de lanzamiento: 18el mes de agosto 2020 (Estados Unidos) / 18el mes de agosto 2020 (Reino Unido / UE)

A truly pleasant game, Spiritfarer balances undemanding platforming, gentle exploration and forgiving resource management with a beautifully-realised world with a cast full of charming, likeable, personajes memorables. It’s a pleasure to move around in with an evocative, endearing atmosphere and a succession of gameplay styles that gel superbly and never feel like padding. It’s a long game, but its cast and the touching premise will keep many going until the end.

To The Moon (Cambiar eShop)To The Moon (Cambiar eShop)

Editor: XD. Network / Desarrollador: Juegos de pájaros libres

Fecha de lanzamiento: 16th ene 2020 (Estados Unidos) / 16th ene 2020 (Reino Unido / UE)

To The Moon is a powerful interactive story. It’s a short game but it manages to make its players directly confront uncomfortable situations and emotions with which we’ll all struggle at some point in our lives. Mental illness, death, angustia, tragedia… it’s all in here, and handled honestly within a brilliant narrative setup that allows us to watch a lifetime deconstructed, layer by layer, revealing the very human mistakes and unavoidable interruptions of fate that shape how our lives ultimately turn out. All in a matter of four or five hours.

Algunas personas se contentan con dejar que el caos gobierne sus vidas (Cambiar eShop)Algunas personas se contentan con dejar que el caos gobierne sus vidas (Cambiar eShop)

Editor: Juegos humildes / Desarrollador: Haz de bruja

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2nd nov 2021 (Estados Unidos) / 2nd nov 2021 (Reino Unido / UE)

Algunas personas se contentan con dejar que el caos gobierne sus vidas manages to do several things very well, todo al mismo tiempo. It’s a touching story told through interaction, it provides the creative play space of a great dollhouse game, and it deftly applies established game design ideas from completely different genres. Its only real shortcoming — though not all will see it that way — is the repetition that is a necessary byproduct of landing its message. Effort has gone into making the controls satisfying on Switch, and the visual and sound design are delightful throughout, making Unpacking, like any sane person’s cutlery, absolutely top-drawer.

Disco Elysium: El corte final (Cambiar eShop)Disco Elysium: El corte final (Cambiar eShop)

Editor: ZA/UM / Desarrollador: ZA/UM

Fecha de lanzamiento: 12th oct 2021 (Estados Unidos) / 12th oct 2021 (Reino Unido / UE)

Disco Elysium’s narrative and dialogue, which is already wonderfully compelling on its own, was given a massive boost thanks to the excellent voice acting introduced for the Final Cut. The gameplay features a host of branching paths for you to explore, and while the slow, methodical approach may turn a few people off, this is nevertheless one of the most well-told stories in cualquier medium from the last few years. With incredible writing that tackles the very core of human nature, Disco Elysium: El corte final is a triumph and stands as one of the best RPGs available on Switch.

Those are some of our recommended games that address or reference aspects of mental health; be sure to share your thoughts and suggestions for the list in the comments below — we may well add to this selection if we’ve missed something special.