After 6 años de desarrollo en solitario, Metroidvania inspirado en el anime que se basa en Cuphead se relanza en Kickstarter con un $1 gol y sube por encima $9000


Exil es otro magnífico Metroidvania de desplazamiento lateral que acaba de llegar a Kickstarter, y ha destrozado por completo su modesto objetivo de financiación de… un dólar singular.

En el verdadero espíritu de Metroidvania, El exilio te tiene atravesando ”mystical landscapes” a ”uncover hidden paths and secretswith fast and fluid action that lets you switch between different ability loadouts on the fly. What really caught my eye in the trailer below was how it riffs on Cuphead’s delightful parrywhere you can double jump off of pinkish projectileswhich encourages you to put yourself in danger if you want the extra advantage.

Exil Kickstarter Teaser (2024) – YouTube
Exil Kickstarter Teaser (2024) - YouTube

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Exil also has a vaguemultilayered storythat asks you to piece together its disparate fragments and is inspired by Attack on Titan. I’m wondering if that manifests in a Breath of the Wild or Outer Wilds way where you actually need to collect nuggets of information to find out what’s really going on – o, if it’s more of a wordless, ‘make of it what you willtype of affair like Inside.

Developer Mystic Clockwork Studio also cites Nier Automata and, por supuesto,, the modern classic of the genre, Knight Hollow, as inspirations.

Exil actually had another go at crowdfunding last year, but failed to reach its goal. ”While I’m really proud of how the game looks, I also see there’s room for it to get even better,” the game’s developer escribió at the time. ”My personal style and skills have evolved over the years, and this evolution has unintentionally added to the game’s inconsistency. Así, que sigue? I’m all set for a significant revamp.

Ahora, after asking for just $1, Exil’s Kickstarter has raised over $9,000 to coveressential development costs, such as digital tool fees, legal fees, miscellaneous expenses, music/sound, and marketing.

There’s no release date for this one at the moment, but the developer says it’s about 75% done and should come to Steam when it’s ready withwith future plans for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox releases, though they may not launch simultaneously.

Mientras tanto, why not wait with our best Metroidvania games lista?
