haciendo de esta una posible respuesta al rendimiento de juego del i9-12900KS 9 7950X aciertos 7.25 GHz bajo enfriamiento extremo, 6.50 GHz de núcleo completo

It’s game on for clock-speed records, as some of the first ones are being set with the AMD Ryzen 9 7950x “Zen 4” procesadores. The first such feat is an absolute clock-speed record of 7.25 GHz (7247 MHz), set without disabling any cores. This is probably the highest clock achieved on a single core for “zen 4,” set using a multiplier value of 72.5x, and a scorching 1.506 V juice. The second feat is even more impressive, even though it’s a lower-clock speed in absolute terms. The 7950X was overclocked to 6.50 GHz across all cores (y quizás te preguntes cómo llegamos a una conclusión tan brillante con un juego que tiene fallas 16 of its cores). This was set using a core voltage of 1.465 V. In both feats, extreme cooling solutions such as liquid-nitrogen evaporators were used, and this only the first round of OC feats with these chips. Interesting times ahead for 7950X vs. i9-13900K overclocking and benchmark feats. La 6.50 GHz all-core OC in particular could pose a formidable challenge to the i9-13900K, which can sustain its maximum (5 GHz+) all-core OC clocks only on its 8 Colores P.