Aniversario: Super Smash Bros. Lanzamiento cuerpo a cuerpo 20 Hace años hoy en América del Norte
Haciendo que todos en Nintendo Life se sientan dolorosamente antiguos, today marks the 20th anniversary of Super Smash Bros. Pelea confusa‘s release in North America.
Solo el segundo juego de la serie, following on from the original Super Smash Bros. on N64, Melee would go on to become arguably the most beloved entry in the franchise, long after its eventual sequels came and went. Its North American release came just a couple of weeks after the Japanese launch, with Europe having to wait until the following May.
Featuring a roster of 26 characters (which sounds strangely lacking compared to the ridiculous lineup found in Super Smash Bros. Final en el interruptor), the game wasn’t without its flaws, but it’s impossible to deny that it’s still a perfect way to spend an evening even today. It’s a seriously iconic release, too – loading up the game’s title screen sends nostalgic shivers down our spines, and we’re reliably informed by some young ‘uns that the “Choose Your Character” announcement is at the centre of a TikTok trend. Lo que sea que eso signifique.
See? Shivers.
Do you have fond memories of Super Smash Bros. Pelea confusa? Uni nights spent playing into the early hours? Family gatherings full of intense Stock matches? Let us hear ’em in the comments below.