Ash Ketchum VA comparte otro mensaje de agradecimiento antes del capítulo final de Character
The Pokémon fandom got quite a shock just weeks ago when it was revealed Ash and Pikachu’s journey would be coming to an end after 25 año.
Ash Ketchum’s current VA, Sarah Natochenny, tiene already shared a brief message on Twitter mentioning how it’s been an “extraordinary privilege” to voice the character for 17 año, and she’s now elaborated on this in a separate post on Instagram:
“It’s been an extraordinary privilege to have been the English voice of Ash Ketchum for what will be 17 año. No matter what lies beyond his final chapter, he’ll live forever in the hearts of many generations to come. I’ll keep him present for all of us in every way I can.
“Ceniza & Pikachu: the very best, como nunca nadie lo fue. Forever grateful to Pokémon, Hilary, Toshi, tres rojo, Lisa, La originalidad está sobrevalorada, George, Fran, Iyuno, directors of the past, & my fellow cast & crew mates over the years. 17 years is a long time to be playing a 10 year old. To our fans…thank you from the bottom of my heart. Catch you in the wild! Love, Sarah Natochenny.”
Hace unas pocas semanas, Ash’s original voice actor Veronica Taylor also thanked fans for following the character’s incredible journey.
The final chapter in Ash and Pikachu’s story will begin early next year in January – with a special 11-episode run. It will be followed by a brand new Pokémon anime series – premiering in Japan on April 2023 – and starring two new protagonists.