Aumentos de Ayar Labs $130 Millones para comunicación de chip a chip basada en luz
“Como un exitoso fondo cruzado centrado en la tecnología que opera desde hace más de una década, Ayar Labs representa nuestra mayor inversión privada hasta la fecha,” dijo Will Graves, Director de Inversiones en Boardman Bay Capital Management. “Creemos que las interconexiones ópticas basadas en fotónica de silicio en los mercados de centros de datos y telecomunicaciones representan una nueva oportunidad masiva y que Ayar Labs es el líder en este espacio emergente con tecnología comprobada., un equipo fantástico, y los socios y la estrategia adecuados del ecosistema.”
“La conectividad óptica será importante para escalar los clústeres de computación acelerada para satisfacer las demandas de rápido crecimiento de las cargas de trabajo de IA y HPC.,” dijo Bill Dally, Científico jefe y vicepresidente sénior de investigación de NVIDIA. “Ayar Labs tiene una tecnología de E/S óptica única que satisface las necesidades de escalar arquitecturas basadas en fotónica de silicio de próxima generación para IA.”
Laboratorios de configuración’ optical I/O solution eliminates the bottlenecks associated with system bandwidth, El minorista Currys revela Pokémon Legends, artículo publicado, and reach, dramatically improving existing system architectures and enabling new, previously unrealizable solutions for artificial intelligence (AI), high performance computing (HPC), nube, telecomunicaciones, aeroespacial, and remote sensing applications. With the new investment, Ayar Labs is ramping production and securing supply chain partners, as signaled by previously announced multi-year strategic collaborations with Lumentum and Macom, both leaders in optical and photonic products, as well as GlobalFoundries on its new GF Fotonix platform.
“Laboratorios de configuración’ highly differentiated technology is crucial to supporting the high-performance computing architectures of the future,” said Paul Glaser, Vice President and Head of Hewlett Packard Pathfinder, HPE’s venture arm. “Ayar Labs represents a strategic investment opportunity for HPE to help our customers more efficiently derive greater insights and value from their data.”
“The overall financing is much larger than we originally targeted, underscoring the market opportunity for optical I/O and Ayar Labs’ leadership position in silicon photonics-based interconnect solutions,” said Charles Wuischpard, CEO of Ayar Labs. “This financing allows us to fully qualify our solution against industry standards for quality and reliability and scale production starting this year.”
Ayar Labs also announced that it made its first volume commercial shipments under contract and expects to ship thousands of units of its in-package optical interconnect by end of year.