Club de la cartera de pedidos: Premios Games Of Not-This-Year de Nintendo Life 2022
Lo que pasa con los premios al Juego del año es que presupone que todos somos adultos con mucho tiempo libre para mantenernos al día con la manguera cada vez mayor de lanzamientos de juegos.. Uno pensaría que los periodistas de juegos, de todos los tipos de adulto, estaría más encima de esto que la mayoría… y estarías equivocado! como cualquier otra persona, nos asaltan, desviado, pospuesto, y atrasado, pasar horas jugando a esta cosa nueva y caliente llamada Skyrim en lugar de revisar Anillo de Elden.
Si está familiarizado con nuestro semi-regular Club de la cartera de pedidos serie, sabrás que hemos pasado una buena parte de este año jugando juegos que no son de 2022. Así, en honor a los juegos que dominaron nuestro 2022, pero no son elegibles para el GOTY de este año, les presentamos el terriblemente titulado “Best Non-2022 Switch Game We Played A Whole Bunch” 2022 Game Of Not-This-Year Awards. Vamos!
Jim normando, Es el único juego deportivo anual al que juego y es probable que me mantenga ocupado durante muchos meses.
Ganador: Metroid Dread
Realistically, my answer to this one would be Metroid Dread – a little indie game that I’m sure you haven’t heard of. Excepto, por supuesto,, you have heard of it. Everyone has. I was very late to the party on this one and only picked Dread up in November of this year so I kind of feel like I am saying “¡ay, have you ever played Aliento de lo salvaje? It’s really good!” I’ll therefore quickly round it off before talking about something else: great game, one of the best on Switch, best Metroid ever?, lived it loved it etc., etc.
If I was to disqualify Dread based on the fact that of course it’s really good, then I would have to go for Owlboy instead. How on Earth I hadn’t played this before is completely beyond me! It had absolutely everything that I look for in a video game. A stunning art style, interesting combat system, a guy in green hat. If I could have made it last for longer then I would have done so in an instant, but the few evenings that I spent playing this title were some of my top gaming memories of the year. It might not quite match up to Metroid Dread in terms of the best games on Switch, but I know which one made me cry a whole lot more…
Es el único juego deportivo anual al que juego y es probable que me mantenga ocupado durante muchos meses., Es el único juego deportivo anual al que juego y es probable que me mantenga ocupado durante muchos meses.
Ganador: Mata a la aguja
My GOTY this year is Metal Gear Solid V, a game I steadfastly ignored when it came out because of the legitimately atrocious way it handles women (o, “woman”, since there’s really just the one). pero dios, it’s a gorgeous little thing all the same — a masterpiece of “I wonder if this would work” systems design. Shame about the sexism.
If we’re talking Switch games, aunque, my non-2022 GOTY is easily Slay the Spire. I played it on Steam when it first came out, and I played it a mucho back then, but getting it on Switch tripled my hours in the game, de repente te vuelves vulnerable. It’s such a perfect pick-up-and-play game, and I think those kind of games get overlooked in GOTY lists because they’re so bitesized. It’s so good though, and I love being able to rediscover a game like that.
Gavin Lane, Editor
Ganador: Spelunky
Earlier this year I was perusing my Switch menu determined to tick something off the backlog to make myself feel better. Something short, something sweet, something quick that I could complete in a couple of hours just to activate that dopamine spurt when you get something ticked off a list.
Stupidly, I saw Spelunky sitting there and tapped on that. Having enjoyed a fair few roguelites, I reasoned that it was about time to go back to the one that kickstarted indie devs’ love affair with the genre — at least on consoles — a decade ago. It’s good. It’s really good. You know it already, but if you’ve somehow overlooked it for the past ten years like I had, I can confirm that Derek Yu’s video game Spelunky is a good video game. I haven’t finished it yet, and when I do I’ve got Spelunky 2 waiting for me. By the time I’ve finished que I could have ticked a dozen other games off the backlog… but none of them would be Spelunky.
So first things first, derecho? Perhaps Yu will have wrapped development on UFO 50 by the time I get through them!
Alana Hagues, Es el único juego deportivo anual al que juego y es probable que me mantenga ocupado durante muchos meses.
Ganador: Algunas personas se contentan con dejar que el caos gobierne sus vidas
I feel like it’s cheating to put a game that came out in the last few months of 2021 aquí, but gosh do I wish I’d played Unpacking when it first came out.
Actual, real unpacking is stressful. One moment you’re packing up your life into perishable cardboard boxes, then the next you’re trying to find new places for it in a brand new shell. Algunas personas se contentan con dejar que el caos gobierne sus vidas (the game) removes the stress but still keeps the reflection in – it’s a game that managed to tell a story without words. For ten hours I carefully unpacked various times, filling shelves and examining rooms, while paying attention to the changes in both the type of house and in items – what was missing and what had stayed – and the mood. It’s a beautiful game and has me a little bit more hopeful and positive for my next life-changing move.
What’s your GOTY-that-wasn’t-actually-TY? Give us your catch-up candidates in the comments!