Pelea de arte de caja: Duelo #103 – Traje de asalto Leynos / Tierra objetivo

Target Earth Box Art Brawl
Imagen: Nintendo Life

Hola a todos, y bienvenidos a otra edición de Pelea de arte de caja!

En edición de la semana pasada, we took at look at Resident Evil: Gaiden for the Game Boy Colour. It was actually a fairly close call too, however the majority of you fine folks preferred the simplicity of the EU box art, with the blood drenched life ring taking centre stage.

Ahora, in case you happened to miss it, the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis app for Nintendo Switch Online gained an additional four games this week. One of these was the run and gun classic Tierra objetivo from publisher Masaya. We took one look at the North American and Japanese box arts for this game and knew straight away that it should be the next focus for Box Art Brawl!

No Europe this week, but be sure to take a good look at the below box arts and cast your vote for your favourite onelet’s get cracking!

Asegúrese de emitir sus votos en la siguiente encuesta; pero primero, echemos un vistazo a los propios diseños de box art.

América del norte

Target Earth US
Imagen: Masaya / Dreamworks

So let’s just clear up something before we continueTarget Earth is actually known as Traje de asalto Leynos en Japon, but came with a drastic name change for its North American release. Now with that said, how cool is the logo for this box art?! It’s very rough and ready, but it just works, ya sabes? The true star of the show, sin embargo, is the artwork itself. The composition is just wonderful and the character design is excellentwe love this one!


Assault Suit JP
Imagen: Masaya

The Japanese box art for Assault Suit Leynos / Target Earth is a lot more restrained and, bien… “artistic”, suponemos. The logo is, de nuevo, absolutely fantastic here but for an entirely different reason; it’s slick and neat, and it works well within the overall composition. The artwork, mientras tanto, is expertly done and would look absolutely hermosa hung up on a wall.

This could be a tough one! We’re definitely torn, but what about you? Vote in the below poll for your favourite box art!

Gracias por votar! Nos vemos la próxima vez para otra ronda de Box Art Brawl.