Charlie Murder: Un Indie, La sangre salpicó, Punk Rock Love Song
"Charlie Murder” es un latido de arcade 'em up creado por "The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai” indie desarrollador Ska Studios. Está situado en un apocalipsis punk rock, donde el héroe epónimo – Charlie – y su grupo debe luchar contra un grupo de rockeros rivales, Gore Quaffer, que inconvenientemente pasar a ser la práctica de brujos y nigromantes. Skulls se dividirán y colillas serán expulsados mientras se embarca en un torbellino de locura psicodélica de rock de combustible que le llevará desde distopías urbanas hasta las mismas entrañas del infierno.
"Charlie Murder” rinde homenaje a la época dorada de los luchadores de arcade. Usted y hasta tres amigos control de Charlie y su variopinto grupo de miembros de la banda inadaptados y destruir a los malos, tales como demonios, zombies y tiburones suicidas con bombas, que aparecen en la pantalla.
El juego es, sin duda un reto, como todo buen beat 'em up debería ser, pero a diferencia de los juegos de arcade de la vieja escuela, Ska Studios quería garantizar la experiencia nunca se sintió barato. Mientras que "Charlie Murder” es difícil, los jugadores siempre están facultados con las herramientas para superar cualquier situación si usted sabe cómo utilizar adecuadamente.
Weapons, ranging from dismembered limbs to handguns, can be wielded for extra damage. Environmental attacks are available, like hurling a foe into a telephone pole and electrocuting them. Band members can learn new skills as they level up and combine their powers with team mates to unleash ridiculous moves, such as transforming into a purple, flame-spewing robot. And then there’s the loot system which endows “Charlie Murder” with a level of stat customization normally reserved only for role-playing games.
Defeated enemies drop items that can be equipped to alter your character’s appearance and stats. One item might boost your character’s speed and defense, while another might add elemental traits to your attacks. Loot allows you to custom tailor the way you approach combat, and since it’s all randomly generated, you’re encouraged to persistently hunt for better gear that best fits your play style.
"Charlie Murder” is robust and ambitious for a game inspired by 1990’s button mashers. Its depth and complexity is all the more noteworthy considering “Charlie Murder” was developed almost entirely by only two people – James and Michelle Silva, the husband and wife duo that makes up all of Ska Studios (along with their two cats).
"Charlie Murder” is Ska Studios’ third Xbox 360 title that Microsoft Studios has published, and that partnership has played an important role in the game’s development.
Por ejemplo, as part of the publishing partnership, Microsoft provided Ska Studios with usability reports, play test session data and bug hunters to help improve the user experience and fix glitches. According to James, Microsoft is also full of “Charlie …leer más