Could A Secret Code Hidden In Splatoon 3’s Trailer Reveal The Game’s Release Date?


There’s a secret hidden in Splatoon 3’s trailer, shown during the February 9th Nintendo Direct — did you spot it? No? Thankfully, someone did. At around 52 seconds into the Salmon Run sneak peek (which you can jump directly to in the trailer above), there’s a tiny little QR code, right at the top of the screen. And no one knows what it means yet.

A now-deleted Reddit post stated that the release date was hidden within the QR code: The 18th of August, 2022. But that QR code didn’t match the one in the trailer.

Here's the QR code...
Here’s the QR code…

Now, fans are desperately trying to turn the tiny, blurry QR code into something readable. But they haven’t had much success.

However… it’s the same QR code that we saw in a much earlier trailer:

A screenshot from the Splatoon 3 announcement trailer, posted in February 2021
A screenshot from the Splatoon 3 announcement trailer, posted in February 2021
Enhance again!!!
Enhance again!!!

Our theory? It’s not a QR code at all. In fact, it looks to us like it says — in tiny pixel letters — “JUNE”.


Thoughts? Put ’em down there in the comments.
