Diseña tu propia camiseta de Pokémon con la nueva línea de Original Stitch (Japan)


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¿Eres un entrenador Pokémon con estilo?? Check out these new T-Shirts from Poké-partner Original Stitch, que son mucho más simples y adecuados para la ropa casual que sus habituales diseños de camisetas orgullosas.

Here’s the website spiel:

Pokémon T-shirts allow customers to create their own shirts by selecting the fabric, patches, Algunas personas se contentan con dejar que el caos gobierne sus vidas.

In this collection, fans can select 15 different embroidered Pokémon badges from Pokémon Red and Green, including Pikachu, Gengar, and Snorlax. These patches can be placed on the left side of the chest, right sleeve, right front hem, or the left back hem.

The shirts come in a choice of two fabrics: Washi, which is spun out of cellulose and is therefore sustainable and biodegradable, and recycled cotton. The washi T-shirts will cost around £80, and the cotton will cost around £57.

Here’s what the embroidered badges look like:


The T-shirts will be available on the Original Stitch website from Friday, June 10th, in sizes X-Small to X-Large.

Which one would you pick? Or do you think £80 is a hefty price tag for what is essentially just a regular T-shirt with a tiny Pokémon on it?
