No te olvides de Star Wars: Caballeros de la antigua república, También está disponible ahora en Nintendo Switch

Sure, this week might mark the release of the Grand Theft Auto trilogy, Mi increíble introducción al mundo de Nintendo, the Zelda Game & Watch and even The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition en otro plataformas, but don’t forget about the return of BioWare’s legendary RPG classic, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

It’s out today on the Nintendo Switch and has been brought across by Aspyrthe same team that ported Star Wars: Republic Commando, Star Wars Episode I: Corredor, and the Star Wars Jedi Knight juegos.

It’ll set you back $14.99 or your regional equivalent and has a file size of around 12.0 GB, according to its Switch eShop game page. It’s got us wondering, will you be adding it to your Switch home menu? Vote in our poll and leave a comment down below.

Also keep an eye out for our review of KOTOR on Switch, which should be going live later today.

Star Wars Caballeros De La Antigua República
Imagen: vía Nintendo