Dragon’s Dogma 2 - PlayStation.Blog
Last week, we asked you to dive into Dragon’s Dogma 2 and share epic moments using #PSshare #PSBlog. Estos son los aspectos más destacados de esta semana:
photomodeoftsu shares a player facing off against an attacking Griffin
Desde momentos llenos de acción hasta retratos detallados shares a bunch of snakes hissing
shimo_ps shares a player fighting against a cyclops with a purple strike of magic
ArturoZ99754030 shares a portrait of a red-haired red-eyed female Pawn
emranimam shares a player standing before the Sphinx
adambomb2mk shares a portrait of an armored character standing in front of a pool of light.
Busque #PSshare #PSBlog en Twitter o Instagram para ver más entradas sobre el tema de esta semana.. Quiere aparecer en la próxima acción de la semana?
TEMA: Dragon’s Dogma – Pawns
ENVIAR POR: 11:59 PM PT en abril 17, 2024
Semana próxima, we’re focusing on the Pawns of Dragon’s Dogma 2. Share portraits of Pawns using #PSshare #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.