E3 2022 En duda, ya que el periodista afirma que el evento digital es “Probablemente” también cancelado


Recuerde a principios de este mes, when the ESA announced that E3 would once again be ditching its physical event for 2022? Bien, things might be even more gloomy than we originally thought.

The Entertainment Software Association’s statement, released just days after the turn of the year, explained that E3 2022 wouldn’t go ahead as a physical event thanks to the ongoing health risks caused by COVID-19. “No obstante, estamos entusiasmados con el futuro del E3 y esperamos anunciar más detalles pronto.,” the message said.

The statement stopped short of confirming whether or not a digital-only event, as we’ve become accustomed to at this point, would be returning for 2022 in its place, pero VentureBeat journalist Jeff Grubb believes that this has “probablemente” also been cancelled. While nothing’s been confirmed either way just yet, it’s hard not to be concerned given Grubb’s impressive track record with games industry scoops.

Here’s what he had to say speaking on Tiktok:

E3’s been cancelled. Bien, physically it’s been cancelled, digitally probably also cancelled.

Naturalmente, we’ll make sure to update you with any news directly from the ESA as soon as we hear more. Por supuesto, nosotros será still have Geoff Keighley’s never-ending parade of broadcasts and reveals thanks to Festival de juegos de verano 2022.