EA adelanta temprano la nueva y espeluznante expansión Vida y Muerte de Los Sims 4, revelando un “mundo espectral” y algo que suena mucho a una carrera de Grim Reaper


EA has yet to reveal the full first trailer for The Sims 4‘s upcoming Life and Death expansion pack, but that doesn’t mean that teasers are off the table – and boy, are some of them packing.

One recent post in particular from EA Italia unveils the life-and-death-themed expansion and a chunk of what’s to come – including the pack’s brand-new world and what could be the next career. “There’s a whole new spectral world to haunt,” the studio’s teaser reads. “Get closer to the Grim Reaper with testaments to write, crypts to explore, and spectral skills to master.It’s too early to tell for sure, but it seems to imply a Reaper-aligned job for Sims.

It doesn’t sound like Sims will take over Grim’s role entirely, though – it feels more akin to an apprenticeship as Sims growcloserto the Reaper himself while writing testaments and completing other Death-aligned tasks. As a longtime Simmer myself, I’d be lying if I said that thecryptspart of the post didn’t concern me – after all, the game arguably already features its fair share of so-calledrabbit holesfor Sims to do activities in.

I hope crypts are more than mere rabbit holes, though – especially with thespectral skillsmentioned in EA Italia’s teaser. A medida que la Paranormal Stuff Pack already adds the Medium skill to The Sims 4, I wonder what other spooktacular new abilities are arriving when Life and Death drops on Halloween. I’m not the only one, either – a Reddit thread discussing the post showcases fanstheories about the mysterious expansion.

Tarot card reading,” suggests one player. Another speculates on the possibility of ghosts becoming more fleshed out in Life and Death: “Sounds like it’s turning ghosts into something like spellcasters or vampires.” En otra parte, someone echoes this thought, saying theyreally hope ghosts become a proper occult.There’s no telling what to expect just yet, but it’s fun to ponder the possibilities – and I for one can’t wait to getcloserto Grim.

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