Exclusive: Come enemigos para obtener su poder en un metroidvania similar a Kirby, biomorfo


¿No estás harto y cansado de los jefes de videojuegos?, con sus poderes especiales y sus geniales armas? no crees you deberia tener esos poderes, como protagonista y héroe? En Biomorfo, un próximo Metroidvania 2D, puedes.

Inspirándose en juegos como Kirby y Mega Man, Biomorph te permite consumir monstruos mortales, tomar su forma, y usar sus poderes para derrotar a otros, monstruos más pequeños a medida que avanzas en plataforma alrededor del lugar. Sus poderes también son la fuerza impulsora detrás de la parte Metroidvania., ya que sus habilidades te ayudarán a acceder a nuevas áreas. But it’s not just as easy as eating your enemies — each creature that you’ve committed identity theft with will come back even stronger than before, with all-new powers. That’ll teach you to eat people.


The story is all about rebuilding the city of Blightmoor, getting to know the people who live there, and discovering more about the city’s pastas well as your own.

In true Metroidvania style, Biomorph will include a ton of secrets, upgrades, armas, and skills to unlock as you progress through the game, allowing players to choose their fighting style and switch builds easily.

Biomorph is being made by Lucid Dreams, a Quebec-based studio made up of a team of games industry veterans, whose portfolios include Far Cry, Deus Ex, Thief, y Life is Strange. Their debut game was Legends of Ethernal, which came to Switch in 2020.


El juego saldrá en PC., consolas, y Nintendo Switch en 2023.
