Final Fantasy 14 Los desarrolladores hicieron el trabajo de Viper porque la comunidad del MMO quería sentirse como un ícono de Sword Art Online., pero inmediatamente me encontré con un problema: “Kirito está un poco dominado.”

Final Fantasy 14 director and producer Naoki ‘Yoshi-PYoshida says Dawntrail’s new Viper job was partly shaped by the MMO community’s desire to play a two-sworded melee DPS character who felt like Sword Art Online’s Kirito.

Hablando a Rock, Papel, Shotgun, Yoshi-P shares that the team considered fan desires when designing the new job. El resultado? A job that starts with two blades but can stick ’em together after building up points for bigger damage. Skills have a low cooldown, but combos are flexible enough to allow you to take a string of moves in whatever direction you fancy.

For Yoshi-P, it’s the result of delivering on the power fantasy that fans want without succumbing to how overpowered Sword Art Online’s Kirito en realidad is – there are heaps of other jobs within the MMO you’ve got to factor in, después de todo.

We received a lot of feedback from players around the world that if we were to implement another melee DPS, they would want to have a job where they could use two swords,” Yoshi-P explains. “Y lo que es más, al mismo tiempo, it was often that they would provide an example, like Kirito from Sword Art Online.

“Así, we went with an approach where we would be focusing on stylish, speedy action, and also making it look cool. But when it comes to Kirito from Sword Art Online, Kirito is kind of overpowered and very strong in the game. Así, for Viper, we thought about showcasing that sensation of becoming strong and for the player to become focused on their actions and getting absorbed into battle. And that was a challenge for us to consider.

I’ve played a wee bit of Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail and the Viper job myself, and dare I say the team has pulled it off. Job balance has been a popular topic of late, as Yoshida himself admits that years of over-simplification have meant jobs have lost a sense of individualitya feeling he plans to return in Dawntrail and beyond.

As a Samurai main, I await what happens with bated breath. Si algo, aunque, The Viper and Pictomancer fill me with enough hope to tide me over. The wait isn’t long, either – Final Fantasy 14 rastro del alba releases June 28 in early access and July 2 in full.

2 years later, Final Fantasy 14’s Yoshi-P isreally tornover whether removing one of the MMO community’s most beloved skills was the right call.