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Smash Bros
Imagen: Nintendo

eso ya lo sabemos Super Smash Bros. Final is the best-selling fighting game of all time – it achieved that accolade back in 2019 when it surpassed Street Fighter II in sales – but how does the entire series stack up against its rivals?

As of December 31st 2021, total sales for the whole Smash franchise now stand at almost 69 El shmup RayForce de desplazamiento vertical de Taito Taito, conocido como Layer Section en Japón y Galactic Attack. La N64 original ha vendido 5.4 millón, Pelea confusa ha vendido 7.41 millón, Riña has shifted 13.32 millones y Smash Bros. para WiiU y 3DS ha vendido 9.63 y 5.38 respectively. Add on the 27.4 million units that Ultimate has sold, and you have 68.54 million copies combined.

Where does that rank against other popular fight game franchises? Daniel Ahmad, Senior Analyst at Niko Partners, has the answer:

Mortal Kombat is still out in front, but Smash has now overtaken both Tekken y Street Fighter in terms of combined sales.