Hideki Kamiya agradece a Nintendo por ayudar a hacer Bayonetta 3 Una realidad


Bayonetta 3
Imagen: Nintendo, PlatinumGames

Nintendo became an important part of the Bayonetta serie’ future – helping fund the second game on Wii U, and going on to bankroll the third game.

Platinum’s Hideki Kamiya has previously mentioned how thankful he is to Nintendo for stepping in to helpkick off this projectand now he’s commented on this once again now that Bayonetta 3 has finally been released.

Speaking to Famitsu, Kamiya mentioned how he wasreally happythe team was given the chance to make the third game, adding the following comment:

I’m not exaggerating when I say I’m forever indebted to Nintendo.

En la misma entrevista, Nintendo producer Makoto Okazaki noted how apassionate video messagefrom Kamiya helped make Bayonetta 3 una realidad:

“Personalmente, I think that was the final push that made this game into a reality.

Although the Bayonetta series didn’t start out its life on a Nintendo platform, Nintendo went on to fund the release of the original game on the Wii U and has also re-released the first and second games on the Nintendo Switch.
