Hogwarts Legacy comparte 'Haciendo la música’ Vídeo

Legado de Hogwarts
Imagen: Warner Bros. Juegos

Warner Bros. Games and developer Avalanche Studios have shared a new Legado de Hogwarts video detailing the work undergone to create the upcoming game’s soundtrack.

There’s very little in the way of gameplay here (which is probably a good thing, because you can bet it won’t be representative of the Switch version), but we get a good look at how the team at Avalanche Studios has approached the music for the Wizarding World adventure title.

One thing to note is that the game appears to be leaning towards morenostalgiccompositions with sweeping trumpets and childlike melodies, as opposed to the moretexture-basedscores that are in more modern games. It certainly sounds pretty fitting for a game based on the Harry Potter franchise, al menos!

It’s all looking (and sounding) pretty promising and if you want to check out a sample of the soundtrack, you can listen to the single ‘Overture to the Unwrittenon streaming platforms right now, with the full soundtrack launching alongside the game on 10 de febrero, 2023. As for Switch owners, sin embargo, we still don’t have news on a release date, but hopefully we won’t have to wait much longer.