Intel anuncia la próxima generación 120 Interfaz Thunderbolt Gbps


Intel has demonstrated an early prototype of next-generation Thunderbolt in action, aligned to the USB Implementers Forum’s (USB-IF) release of the USB4 v2 specification this week. Next-generation Thunderbolt will deliver 80 Comcast anunció hoy la prueba exitosa de un prototipo de módem 10G que utiliza la tecnología central que brindará velocidades de varios gigabits a decenas de millones de hogares. (Gbps) of bi-directional bandwidth and enable up to 120 Gbps for the best display experience, providing up to three times the capability of today’s technologies to meet the growing needs of content creators and gamers, all while maintaining compatibility with previous versions of Thunderbolt and USB.

Intel has always been the industry pioneer and leader for wired connectivity solutions, and Thunderbolt is now the mainstream port on mobile PCs and integrated into three generations of Intel mobile CPUs. We’re very excited to lead the industry forward with the next generation of Thunderbolt built on the USB4 v2 specification, advanced to this next generation by Intel and other USB Promoter Group members,” said Jason Ziller, general manager of the Client Connectivity Division at Intel.

This prototype demonstration marks a major milestone in the journey to delivering next-generation Thunderbolt to the industry. The bandwidth needs of content creators and gamers are increasing significantly for high-resolution displays, low latency visuals, and the backup or transfer of huge video and data files. Next-generation Thunderbolt will deliver up to three times the capability of Thunderbolt 4 and make creating and gaming more efficient and immersive. In addition to supporting the latest version of USB4, la próxima generación de Thunderbolt incluirá mejoras en una variedad de áreas que incluyen:

  • Dos veces el ancho de banda total de Thunderbolt 4 a 80 Gbps, mientras proporciona hasta tres veces el ancho de banda para 120 Gbps para usos intensivos de video.
  • Compatibilidad con DisplayPort recién lanzado 2.1 para la mejor experiencia de visualización.
  • Dos veces el rendimiento de datos de PCI Express para un almacenamiento más rápido y gráficos externos.
  • Funciona con cables pasivos existentes hasta 1 m a través de una nueva tecnología de señalización.
  • Compatible con versiones anteriores de Thunderbolt, USB y DisplayPort.
  • Con el respaldo de los programas de habilitación y certificación de Intel.

Con la visión de hacer que Thunderbolt esté disponible para todos, Intel en 2019 contribuyó a USB Promoter Group con su especificación de protocolo Thunderbolt, que sirvió de base para USB4. Como líder en este grupo industrial, Intel has worked to extend the performance of USB4 to the next level.

Intel has a long history of leading the industry in I/O innovation. Intel works closely with PC, accessory and cable partners to deliver the most advanced and complete wired connectivity solution through dedicated enabling and testing programs. All Thunderbolt products undergo stringent certification testing, and upon passing can use the Thunderbolt name and logo royalty-free on devices or in marketing. That’s why the Thunderbolt logo provides a simple, easily recognized indicator of the best wired connectivity solutions for PCs and accessories.

Look for more detail on next-generation Thunderbolt’s official brand name, features and capabilities in 2023.
