Intro to Mobile Strike
So you’re watching TV and you see the commercials with Arnold Schwarzenegger blowing up the enemy in a war game and you say, I gotta try that game!
I finally installed the game, started the slow process of learning and building and really just lost interest very quickly and decided to uninstall it.
The problem was I didn’t go about it the right way and didn’t really give the game a chance.
A couple of months went by and I decided to try the game again, but knew that I needed to change my approach, I mean all these people can’t be playing it if it wasn’t fun.
I installed the game, did some googling while playing and learned a little more about the game. One of the key things I did was join an alliance which was a big help, some people in the alliance help you with questions and even resources to help you and the alliance grow. That alliance wasn’t really a good alliance and a few people said that verbally with the chat, but what did I know… I stayed there a while, doing the required building and researching to become bigger player. After a while I realized maybe this alliance wasn’t for me and finally quit and joined my second alliance, this was the winner. Primero, there were a bunch of nice and helpful people there chatting, some times about everyday things, the game of course and helping with some questions. Over time you start to learn players names, their skill set and in my case, where some of them live and other interesting facts. We discovered we had players from India, Russia, Alemania, Francia, the US of course and many other places in between. Suddenly you are submerged in a global group of friends that you chat with daily while playing the game, this was unexpected. Now that I was comfortable in this group and saw the potential I took the next step and bought that first $4.95 pack, this instantly helped to grow my base and made things a little more interesting, you now had resources to spend and use and actually started to enjoy the game. With any game there are the ups and downs but I can say I’m hooked! I’m now somewhere around 70+ days into the game and have a solid understanding in much of the technical aspect of the game and much of the game play, things change frequently but as you build there becomes less to learn.
Along the way in building my first base I spent some time looking up info on web sites, watched a few videos and of course asked a lot of questions.
After learning a lot during this process and building a pretty good sized base, I decided to build another base in another state and experiment a little since I now knew more about the game.
Wow what a difference knowing how to play made!
This brings us here, where I decided to start writing some informational pages for my alliances to use to help educate newer players, as well as to share them with everyone on the web.
Hopefully I’ll have some time to add new content and screen shots to make it easy to understand and provide the type of information I was searching for as I started to build my base.
I look forward to you coming back and learning more to enjoy this game, Over and Out!