Comparaciones de IPC entre Raptor Cove, zen 4, y Golden Cove Primavera Resultados Sorprendentes
un raichu, who has access to engineering samples of both the AMD "Raphael" Serie Ryzen 7000, and Intel 13th Gen Core "Raptor Lake," realizó comparaciones de IPC entre los dos, by disabling E-cores on the "Raptor Lake," fijando las velocidades de reloj de ambos chips a 3.60 GHz, y probándolos en una variedad de configuraciones de memoria DDR5. La prueba de IPC se realizó con SPEC, un punto de referencia mayormente relevante para la empresa, but one that could prove useful in tracing where the moderately-clocked enterprise processors such as EPYC "Genoa" and Xeon Scalable "Sapphire Rapids" aterrizar en las listas de rendimiento. OneRaichu also threw in scores obtained from a 12th Gen Core "Alder Lake" procesador por este motivo, as its "Golden Cove" P-core powers "Sapphire Rapids" (aunque con más caché L2).
Con memoria DDR5-4800, y pruebas en la tarifa SPECCPU2017 1, en 3.60 GHz, the AMD "Zen 4" core termina con las puntuaciones más altas en SPECint, topping even the "Raptor Cove" Núcleo P. anota 6.66, compared to 6.63 total of the "Raptor Cove," y 6.52 of the "Golden Cove." En las pruebas SPECfp, sin embargo, the "Zen 4" core falls beind "Raptor Cove." Aquí, anota un 9.99 total comparado con 9.91 of the "Golden Cove," y 10.21 of the "Raptor Cove." Las cosas se ponen interesantes en DDR5-6000, a frequency AMD considers its "sweetspot," The 13th Gen "Raptor Cove" P-core encabeza el SPEC en 6.81, compared to 6.77 of the "Zen 4," y 6.71 of "Golden Cove." SPECfp sees the "Zen 4" fall behind even the "Golden Cove" en 10.04, compared to 10.20 of the "Golden Cove," y 10.46 of "Raptor Cove."