Let Me Solo Her finalmente fue liberada de la cárcel de Elden Ring después de recibir una prohibición de 180 días por usar un mod de baile de Fortnite


Legendary Elden Ring player Let Me Solo Her is now welcome to play the game once again after a nearly six-month ban.

For almost six months, the Lands Between have been missing something, or someone, I should say. Let Me Solo Her, the Elden Ring player who rose to hero status by repeatedly helping out players struggling with boss fights and asking those players if he could solo the battles for them, is back where he belongs after being banned for 180 days over a Fortnite dance emote.

For the uninitiated, Let Me Solo Her is as famous for his virtuous behavior in-game as he is for his incredible ability to kneecap some of the toughest fights in the game, most famously Malenia and more recently la Shadow of the Erdtree DLC’s final boss Radahn, wearing nothing but a damn bucket on his head. And there I was all along getting stomped by Margit over and over again.

Needless to say, his absence from the Lands Between has left a void that perhaps no other player could fill, but now he’s back. In a triumphant tweet, Let Me Solo Her announcesI AM FREEalongside a picture of a person breaking free from prison shackles.

Let Me Solo Her recently revealed that his main Elden Ring account was banned after he used a mod to make his character dance around using a Fortnite emote. It seems that ban has now expired, freeing the way for the legendary Tarnished to go back to doing what he does best: making everyone else feel utterly inadequate.

After 967 Skorbrand también logró terminar un partido con una locura, Anillo de Elden: Shadow of the Erdtree player takes the ‘no Scadutree blessingchallenge to the next level by beating the entire DLC on uncapped NG +1,000.
