Buzón: Cierres de tiendas electrónicas, Comedia, El futuro físico – Cartas de vida de Nintendo

GameCube Games
Spot the parasitic cuckoo in this line of warblers — Imagen: Gavin Lane / Nintendo Life

exposing yourself

If video game development around the globe were to suddenly stop and you could only play games that have already been released, how would you handle this? Would you get bored of games if they weren’t progressing technologically at all? Do you think you’d enjoy exposing yourself to genres and series that you wouldn’t normally play? How would you focus your gaming time?

Personalmente, my present backlog would probably see me out. There are entire series I’ve never touched, so while I’d be disappointed never to ride the zeitgeist of a new release again (and who doesn’t love the smell of new hardware?), there’s such a rich history of games to experience — and so many Banjo replays to enjoy — I’d get along muy bien. – Ed.

being picky

To whom it may concern,
I love Joy Mech Fight. It’s a great fighting game, and on the NES (well Famicom if we’re being picky) no less. Only recently got around to playing it, and I had a realisation. 3 of my top 5 NES games are from 1993.
There was still life in the old man before they put him to sleep, and what great life it was!

If you’re wondering (you probably aren’t) this is my ranking:
Parte superior 5 juegos de NES
1. Mr Gimmick (1993)
2. La aventura de Kirby (1993)
3. ufouria: entregando gráficos cinematográficos con RTX ON en juegos compatibles como (1991)
4. Dr. Mario (1990) (sí, I do like it this much)
5. Joy Mech Fight (1993)

Very nicea couple of underplayed Sunsoft gems there. 1993 was a good vintage. And thank you for reminding me to check out Joy Mech Fight on NSO. – Ed.

Joy Mech Fight
A Nintendo fighting game that’s not Smash? A rarity indeed — Imagen: Nintendo

satirical such as


I would like to know why there isn’t a ‘Comedy’ video game genre. I would say that there are plenty of games that are satirical such as: Sin título ganso Juego, Stanley Parable, Portal, and there are probably more. So why isn’t comedy a genre of games as it is movies?

Probably because it’s so difficult to pull off. Timing is crucial with conedy, and controlling that is incredibly tricky in an interactive medium without just funnelling players into an on-rails ‘rideor switching to a cutscene. You could have the funniest script in the world, but if the line is delivered a fraction too early or late, or overlaps with the trigger for the next, it’s all for nothing.

The Stanley Parable and Portal are probably the best examples ever made and they repeatedly use deft little distractions and sleights of hand to make dialogue feel spontaneous or call your attention to something you could totally miss if you were looking the other way. Those games are illusory marvels in how they deliver their comedy. Weaving that into a video game takes magician-like showmanship and total design mastery, and most devs just don’t have the necessary talent and flair for it. – Ed.

quite bad

Square Enix’s new release strategy aims to develop high-profile games for as many platforms as possible. At the same time, games like FF and KH always go for the best possible graphics available. With Nintendo going their own path (likely with a weaker hardware than the competition), do you think there’s a chance that we might play the next numbered FF and KH on Switch 2? Personalmente, I have doubts. They certainly resonate with Nintendo audience, but hardware demanding 3rd party games often look quite bad on Switch.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see numbered entries in those franchises appearing on future Nintendo hardware, although recouping investment on existing games will mean ports that weren’t viable on the current console first, me imagino. PC is the easier audience to chase, but if Switch 2 blows the doors off like Switch did, SE will want to be there for it. – Ed.

complete dreary silence

Do you know why I still love my 3DS and Wii U more than the Switch, even though the Switch is arguably the most popular console ever? Bien, I have one word for you: PERSONALIZATION.

I will never not miss the abundance of themes, the carefully crafted piece of music for every different screen, the Miiverse, the catchy e-shop tunes thatencouragedyou to spend more time looking for fun gamesand the Switch has none of it! Good luck spending hours in the Switch e-shop in complete dreary silence.

I honestly cannot believe that we’re at the end of the Switch’s lifecycle and yet, when you open the theme selection, you can only choose from white and blackBro, that just ain’t it… ¡Ay, and while on the subject, the touchscreen on the Switch is so underused, it’s insane!
Le Grumpy Potato out!

Agreed on all fronts. Homescreen needs a Spice Orange theme. eShop needs a bop. – Ed.

Switch Home Screen Indigo
All the GameCube colours — Imagen: Nintendo Life

a friend in the country

Hi NL team!
I was wondering if there are any plans to extend Nintendolife eshop codes/credit outside of the current regions? I’m based in New Zealand (hello 2am Nintendo Directs), and would love to support the website via commission! Just the push I would need to buy more eshop credit and hopelessly fill my backlog
P.S. I know about region switching, but I have game sharing set up with a friend in the country and don’t want to accidentally lock them out

Having looked into this, the regions available are dictated by where Famehype (NL’s partner for code sales) operates, and an NZ option isn’t something we’re likely to see soon, Desafortunadamente.

Silver lining: you might just finish your backlog one day? – Ed.

inverse proportion

Hello! To the best of your recollection, which Switch games have been the most well-received (in terms of sales, Metacritic scores, etc) in inverse proportion to how they were hyped beforehand in official company showcases and such?
The answer would be more reflective of the marketing behind a game rather than the quality of the game itself, but it could be informative in the context of resource allocation and how some good games can get overlooked, especially when considering the effort that goes into producing something like a Nintendo Direct.
Keep up the good work!

Tough question. First-party-wise, everything that’s well-received critically tends to get a similar marketing push. I can’t think of a single Nintendo game that was brillante without them telling everybody so. Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp, quizás, although for obvious sensitivity reasons. They kept Everybody 1-2-Switch pretty quiet — as you would — but great games? You’re never going to get a good Nintendo game that people sleep on these days.

Beyond first-party stuff, it felt like Balatro came out of ‘nowhere’ this year. More accurately, it failed to grab mi attention in the pre-release buildup. I could retire to a private island if I had a dime for every email with ‘roguelike deckbuilderin the subject line, and card games are rarely trailer-friendly, so it took a while before I went back and it finally broke through for me. Hell of a game, but it was a case of, ‘Hmm, okay, nosotros might have missed something here.’ – Ed.

Cartas de bonificación

If a nuclear disaster were to happen hundreds of years from now that took out the world’s population, would a new Mario game still release?” – HotGoomba

Casi seguro. I thought the industry had finally cooled it on zombie games, but Nintendo is often late to the party. – Ed.

Fronteras sónicas 2 might introduce a new hedgehog character.” – scottdevine48

Isn’t there enough misery and suffering in the world already? – Ed.

my hope is that Nintendo Life is not Pro Old-School Nostalgia & Anti New Ideas, New Directions, & Accesibilidad.” – Marshall Gordeuk

Can we not have some of Column A and ALL of Column B? – Ed.

I’ve been playing Superstar Saga lately and just finished Joke’s End. The music made it much more painful than it needed to be – un 5 second loop played continuously for an hour long dungeon.
What kind of amateur composer would make something like- Yoko Shimomura?! – Munchlax

After listening to this, I’ll include it at the end to lighten my burden and share the pain with everyone reading. You’re welcome. – Ed.

Eso es todo por este mes.! Gracias a todos los que escribieron en, si apareciste arriba o no.

Tienes algo que te gustaría sacar de tu pecho? Una pregunta candente que necesitas respuesta? Una corrección que no puedes contener? Sigue las instrucciones de abajo, entonces, y esperamos revisar sus misivas.

Consejos y pautas para el envío del buzón de Nintendo Life

  • Letras, no ensayos, complacer – Tenga en cuenta que su carta puede aparecer en el sitio., y 1000 palabras reflexionando sobre el Leyenda de héroes No es probable que la serie y pedirle a Alana su clasificación personal pase el corte.. Breve y conciso está a la orden del día.. (Si buscas una guía general, 100-200 las palabras serían suficientes para la mayoría de los temas.)
  • No te vuelvas loco con múltiples correspondencias – Ideally, solo una letra al mes, complacer!
  • No te desanimes si tu carta no aparece en el artículo mensual – Anticipamos una bandeja de entrada sustancial, y solo podremos destacar un puñado cada mes. Entonces, si su letra particular no es elegida para el artículo, por favor no te desanimes!

Cómo enviar una carta al buzón de Nintendo Life

  • Dirígete a Nintendo Life Pagina de contacto y selecciona el tema “Cartas de lectores” desde el menú desplegable (ya está hecho para ti en el enlace de arriba). Escriba su nombre, Email, y una carta bellamente elaborada en la casilla correspondiente, presione enviar, y boom, ya terminaste!