Buzón: Los problemas de Pokémon de Switch, El valor de NSO, Plurales en primera persona – Cartas de vida de Nintendo

Estoy de acuerdo, it’s crazy that Theme colour options have never been added — not fancy animations or stickers or anything, just a few colourways beyond black and white. You’d imagine it’s just a matter of time before Pokémon and Smash arrive. As for new releases, on a spreadsheet in Nintendo HQ there’s a number showing the cost to officially localise Mother 3 next to projected sales, and it’s just never added up to a green light. Fingers crossed that Switch’s enormous install base will loosen purse strings and we’ll get some good news in the Direct. If a Miitopia port can sell 1.79 million copies on Switch, a Tomodachi or Pushmo or Rhythm Heaven would quickly break all previous series sales records.

PERO. Balance that potential against more popular series Nintendo could be working on — games likely to sell tens of millions — and that’s the issue you run into when resources aren’t infinite. If there were a deep, undying love for Dillon’s Rolling Western that translated into sales, there’d be another one. – Ed.

Pokémon Leyendas: Arceus
Imagen: Zion Grassl / Nintendo Life

massive pool

I’ve been thinking about the state of Pokemon on Switch, and I realized that LA [Legends: Arceus], parts of SS [Sword & Shield], and SV [Escarlata & Violeta] have to have a massive pool of Pokemon prepared to load at once, along with all their unique animations and data, on top of already being an open-world game. I don’t think this excuses the technical states of these games, but I do wonder if the Switch is genuinely unable to handle a fully featured open-world Pokemon game (esp since some other creature collectors also perform dismally on the platform).

Sí, it’s a challenge, but the Switch is a capable little machine that those games were specifically designed for. The devs didn’t need to consider optimisation for other platforms — Arceus and Sword/Shield and Scarlet/Violet are only on Switch — and this is one of the biggest series on the planet we’re talking about.

With ambitious worlds, a little jank often comes with the territory (Agrega Blaster Master Zero, Bethesda), but Game Freak should be able to get the resources, personas, y hora it needs to make these flagship games run better than they do. – Ed.


Hey Nintendo Life staff!

I apologize if these questions have been asked before. Why do your reviewers use “we” instead of “I” when referring to themselves? Are multiple staff members involved in reviewing each game?


It’s a legacy thing, De Verdad, but something we maintain in news and reviews for consistency. We are NL. Resistance is futile.

More seriously, the plural ties into the ‘clubfeeling the site has had since the beginning and helps reinforce community and kinship in a small but potent way. It has its drawbacks (especially when it comes to the occasional reader having trouble understanding the concept of subjectivity!), and the number of feature articles using the singular has probably increased since I took the chair, but we’ll be sticking to ‘wein news and reviews. We’re all in this together. – Ed.

NL plushies group
Imagen: Zion Grassl / Nintendo Life

Cartas de bonificación

For the Detective Pikachu movie sequel, how about including Tyranitar, Lucario, Rattata, Scizor, Murkrow, Machamp and Sudowoodo. and how about a trailer and a release date for the sequel.” – Scott Devine

Get your people to speak to my people and we’ll see what we can do. – Ed.

Also apologies if this was accidentally sent twice, Firefox bugged out trying to send this so I’m trying again in Edge.” – Moblin

No es un problema. – Ed.

Also apologies if this was accidentally sent twice, Firefox bugged out trying to send this so I’m trying again in Edge.” – Moblin

No worries. – Ed.

Also apologies if this was accidentally sent twice, Firefox bugged out trying to send this so I’m trying again in Edge.” – Moblin

It happens to the best of us. – Ed.

Also apologies if this was accidentally sent twice, Firefox bugged out trying to send this so I’m trying again in Edge.” – Moblin

Todos hemos estado allí. – Ed.

Also apologies if this was accidentally sent twice, Firefox bugged out trying to send this so I’m trying again in Edge.” – Moblin

No se preocupe, it’ll get funny again if we just keep going– Ed.

Also apologies if this was accidentally sent twice, Firefox bugged out trying to send this so I’m trying again in Edge.” – Moblin

Can you tell the inbox was light this month? – Ed.

Also apologies if this was accidentally sent twice, Firefox bugged out trying to send this so I’m trying again in Edge.” – Moblin

Aaaand I’m spent. – Ed.

Buzón de vida de Nintendo
Imagen: Nintendo Life / Nintendo

Eso es todo por este mes.! Tienes algo que te gustaría sacar de tu pecho? Una pregunta candente que necesitas respuesta? Una corrección que no puedes contener? Sigue las instrucciones de abajo, entonces, y esperamos revisar sus misivas.

Consejos y pautas para el envío del buzón de Nintendo Life

  • Letras, no ensayos, complacer – Tenga en cuenta que su carta puede aparecer en el sitio., y 1000 palabras reflexionando sobre el Leyenda de héroes No es probable que la serie y pedirle a Alana su clasificación personal pase el corte.. Breve y conciso está a la orden del día.. (Si buscas una guía general, 100-200 las palabras serían suficientes para la mayoría de los temas.)
  • No te vuelvas loco con múltiples correspondencias – Ideally, solo una letra al mes, complacer!
  • No te desanimes si tu carta no aparece en el artículo mensual – Anticipamos una bandeja de entrada sustancial, y solo podremos destacar un puñado cada mes. Entonces, si su letra particular no es elegida para el artículo, por favor no te desanimes!

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