MH animation short by NCHProductions: Egg runs, part 2

MH-loving animation studio NCHProductions is back with another stab at explaning the mysteries surrounding the world of Monster Hunter! This time, we find out how Egg delivery quests spawn giant rocks that block your route to the Base Camp:

Okay, I can’t verify whether or not any of this is officially canon, but I can verify that it was pretty hilarious! If you liked what you saw, be sure to check out their channel for even more Monster Hunter animation shorts.

¡Ay, and just for reference here’s Egg runs – Parte 1, cual yo wrote about al final del año pasado. Disfrutar!

PS: I actually just learned from this Reddit post that in MH4U , you can actually destroy those rocks either with bombs or other attacks! It didn’t use to be like this in previous game, but it’s definitely a welcome change!

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