Recordatorio MM Legacy Collection concurso de arte, Mega Man 3 key art

Last week we kicked off an MMLC art contest that asked for your ideal Mega Man 1~6 key art. la idea es, the North American (and European!) box art back in the day didn’t really sell the in-game experience. This is a chance to re-imagine those initial six games in a way that’s more indicative of the Blue Bomber and his Robot Master foes.

We also debuted some new art from Chamba (who also did our main MMLC art), and today we have the Mega Man 3 pedazo!

For each image, I gave just a bit of direction. When I think of MM3, my mind goes to Gamma and that impressive final bossso I wanted to see a “arte de la caja” that really sold the scale of that confrontation. This being MM3, you also need Rush racing to the rescue and at least a handful of Robot Masters. Snake Man is one of my faves, and Gemini Man is already at work splitting himself in two.

CONTEST RULES: From now until August 14th, you can email one entry to [email protected] (labeled MMLC ART CONTEST) and be entered for a chance to win one of six copies of the game. We will notify winners by September 4th, 2015 a más tardar. Please submit an entry that depicts your ideal Mega Man box / key art, choosing one of the six Mega Man games collected in MMLC. Please also read the full contest rules.

There is no min/max size but it’s generally nice to have art that’s high-res (i.e. not like 300 pixels wide or something) y if you’re taking a photo instead of scanning, just make sure the image is clean and it shows your work in a positive light.

Next Friday – Mega Man 4!

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