Versión Monster Hunter Rise 10.0.3 Está ahora en vivo, Aquí están las notas del parche

Imagen: Capcom

It wasn’t long ago that Monster Hunter Rise was updated to version 10.0.2, but it’s clear Capcom has been working its little socks off, because version 10.0.3 is now live for all players.

The latest update isn’t as meaty as the previous one (which makes sense given a lot of it was earmarked for the romper el sol DLC), but it does introduce some important bug patches and improvements that you’ll want to get downloaded.

Monster Hunter Rise – Versión 10.0.3 (8vo de julio de, 2022)

Bug Fixes and Balance Adjustments


Fixed a bug causing your Palico’s Support Moves to change randomly when teaching them certain Secret Support Moves.

Fixed a bug preventing a reload rating lowered by 2 levels from recovering, if you remove the Elemental Reload Switch Skill after performing a specific set of actions with the light bowgun.
(We’ve also confirmed a bug in the reload display under Equipment Info, and this will be addressed in a future update.)


Fixed a bug causing the game to shut down when performing a specific string of attacks using the insect glaive’s Kinsect Bonus: Boosted Powder Extract on Rakna-Kadaki or Pyre Rakna-Kadaki.

Locales and Environment

Fixed a bug in dialogue with the Buddy Scout regarding newly added Buddy Skills that was aimed at all players, instead of only affected players.


For A1? and A2? misiones, the health for all monsters and the attack power of some monsters has been adjusted.

Base and Facilities

Fixed a bug very occasionally causing the game to freeze after using the Lottery with an amiibo.


– Se han realizado otras diversas correcciones de errores..

Así que ahí lo tienen! Not a great deal for this update, but certainly one you’ll need to get added to ensure you’re getting the best experience possible.

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In the meantime of course, do let us know how you’re getting on with the new Sunbreak DLC in the comments!