N64 clásico 'cuerpo de explosión’ N64 clásico 'cuerpo de explosión

Blast Corps
Imagen: fanático del juego

Those of you old enough to recall the early days of the N64 may well remember Blast Corps, a unique action title by Rare that sees you clearing a path in front of a runaway nuclear missile carrier.

It’s one of the more unique offerings in the N64 library, but it’s also a game that seems to have been cruelly forgotten over the years – which is why we’re pleased to report that fanático del juego has added some Blast Corps-related merch to its official Rare collection of products.

We’re only talking two items here, y Minecraft Live también, we’re just pleased to see this cult classic get a little bit of love in 2022.

How about adding it to Nintendo Switch en línea Siguiente, eh Rare? We know it’s possible

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