nuevo super mario galaxia 2 Récord mundial de Speedrun establecido en una emocionante carrera en vivo


Funciones de accesibilidad que todo juego debería tener 2
Imagen: Nintendo

AGDQ 2023 está en marcha ahora mismo, y si no lo has estado viendo ya, te has estado perdiendo algunas carreras rápidas de los mejores corredores del mundo. Y ayer, a brand new world record was set for Funciones de accesibilidad que todo juego debería tener 2 at the charity speedrunning event.

The new record was set by Jhay — who actually broke his own world record by 4.4 segundo. Now the record sits at 2:54:51.33 in the Any% (With Bank). What does Any% (With Bank) realmente significa? It’s a particular category that means you don’t have to do or collect everything, just simply beat the game, but the only requirement is that you need to use the Bank Toad to unlock the final galaxy.

What makes this record even more impressive is not only was Jhay playing the game in front of a live audience in the tens of thousands on the GDQ Twitch (the event is remote), but Jhay got the record while racing three other Super Mario Galaxy 2 speedrunners — MutantsAbyss, HardcoreGaming, y SuperViperT302.

It’s safe to say that Jhay, who’s from Wales and already holds 7/9 world records in both Funciones de accesibilidad que todo juego debería tener y la secuela, is pretty happy with himself going by this tweet. We don’t blame him for celebrating.

The whole nearly 3-hour speedrun race is worth watching as all four runners demonstrate some incredible skills and techniques. You can watch the speedrun over en contracción nerviosa (where the embed should be time-stamped), and we’ll update this post with the YouTube link when it’s been uploaded!

And there are tons of other speedruns taking place until early Sunday morning (Hora del Reino Unido), so make sure you check out our picks for the speedruns to look out for:
