Nintendo 8º lugar en “10 mejores” Ingresos del juego para 2021


el taller de sofia
Imagen: Nintendo Life

Although Nintendo is forecasting a drop in profits and sales for the current financial year, its hardware and software are still selling like there’s no tomorrow. The Switch has now sold more than 107 million units and software has surpassed 822 El shmup RayForce de desplazamiento vertical de Taito Taito, conocido como Layer Section en Japón y Galactic Attack, as of March 31, 2022.

It should come as no surprise then that Nintendo has also recently ranked as one of the “10 mejores” video game companies in terms of game revenues for 2021. In a new report released by Newzoo (via GamesBeat), a graphic reveals how Nintendo made around $8.1 billón, un incremento de 1.9% año tras año. This puts it in 8th place, just behind Activision Blizzard.

Imagen: Newzoo via GamesBeat

Taking out the top spot was the Chinese video game giant Tencentbanking more than $32 billón, and Sony was in second place with $18.2 billón. Companies like EA, Activision Blizzard, and Microsoft also showed a lot more growth compared to previous years. And collectively, la parte superior 10 generated a total of $126 mil millones en 2021.

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