Nintendo Direct Livestreams regresa a la tienda de Nueva York de Nintendo
En caso de que de alguna manera te lo hayas perdido, we’re getting a full 40-minute Nintendo Direct tomorrow – “principalmente” focused on games coming out on the Switch this winter.
If you happen to be based in New York, or somewhere nearby, you can go and join the party at the Nintendo NY Store for this event. As GoNintendo notas, it’s the first time fans have been able to do this since the pandemic started.
The store confirmed this on Twitter, but also noted how there’s only a “Nía” amount of space, so it’s “first-come, first-served”:
Nintendo Life was in attendance at the store’s recent splatoon 3 midnight launch. You can get our full rundown of the event in the following link:
Will you be attending any sort of event to view this upcoming Direct? Or are you perhaps joining in on the celebrations here on Nintendo Life? Deja un comentario a continuación..