Nintendo presenta a Chloe en Fire Emblem Engage
One game you’ll want to be on the lookout for early on in 2023 es Engage de Fire Emblem. De hecho, it’s out in the first month of the year, launching exclusively on Switch on 20th January.
This upcoming adventure brings both new and old characters together, and in the lead-up to the game’s release, Nintendo has slowly been showing off the many heroes you’ll get to know and use in battle. The latest reveal is a character with colourful hair named Chloe.
Según una traducción aproximada (vía @SerenesForest), cloe – voiced by Saori Hayami in the Japanese version of the game – is a palace knight from the Kingdom of Firene. She’s described as “easy-going and adores her liege, Princess Celine”. She also apparently loves fairy tales and pretty scenery, and is always seeking out a picturesque combo of these two things.
A follow-up video from Nintendo’s official Fire Emblem Twitter account shows her off in battle. Her starting class is Lance Pegasus – a lance-wielding knight that soars astride a pegasus (gracias de nuevo, @SerenesForest). It’s resistant to magic but susceptible to bows.
Puede consultar nuestra guía de Nintendo Life para ver quién más aparecerá en el elenco de Fire Emblem Engage: